Lion are you here today? Question?


I thought I would ask as I get different opinions at every turn. I have (I believe) a 40 gallon long tank (inherited from my niece) I have a 45 Power Glo light in it. I have lost two anenomes over the period of 8 months. About a month ago I put in a new anenome it has moved around a lot but finally has set itself firm on my filter and situated itself right under the light.....question is, is my lighting strong enough? As far as levels go all is well as I test every week.


What would you suggest? I am so very new to this? The tank is long and I would not want it to get to hot, right?


Active Member
actually coralife makes a 36" 2x96w power compact that will fit on that tank if it 36" long.that would be great for the anemone.... or if you later wanted to go reef i'd go ahead and get some MH pendants...


Thank you, I do have live rock, shrimp, scallops, stars. everything else seems to be doing well but the anenomes, I will check this out...Thanks again for your recommendation. :happyfish


New Member
I would say check into T5 lighting it doesn't cost much more . And you won't need to buy MH lights even if you go reef later .