lion crazz


You have helped me out alot... Thank You Could you tell me if 940 gph is enough flow in my 125g tank? This is a FOWLR I have 2 powerheads and a canister filter. The powerheads both equal out to 350 gph and the filter does 350 gph. Thank You for your help


Active Member
No, you definitely want a little more flow than that. I would recommend adding another powerhead in there, or using a bigger filter. Nonetheless, I would try to get at least another 350-400 gph of flow.


Active Member
Maybe you should try a closed loop system instead of having a bunch of powerheads hanging everywhere. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Maybe you should try a closed loop system instead of having a bunch of powerheads hanging everywhere. :happyfish
Never a bad idea, Mikey.
I love my closed loop, and the fact that there are no powerheads in my tank!


i never quite understood that term closed loop even after reading Squidds treatise on Plumbing. can you pls explain to me in plain terms?
i have an overflow on my tank that drops to sump, over a refugium and pumped back up. also have a powerhead on opposite side. i estimate my total flow is close to 1000 on a 115g. i know its not enough, but have not experienced any serious problems with fish or coral.


A closed loop is just a pump that pulls water out of the tank and pushes it back it with no filter or anything.


Active Member
Example with pictures:
In the middle, the blue line is where the water drains from my tank's closed loop. It goes directly down to an external pump, goes through ONLY the pump, and is pumped right back up to the red lines.
