lion fish bad for tank?

after my tank was cycled i noticed lots ,of little critters that i could not identify. I added two clowns and a small lion fish, a couple of days latter alot of the little critters are gone. now i do not as many if any. Is this good or bad?


It all depends what you want. Lion fish is an aggressive fish eats almost any thing it can i belive. I've always thought of them to be like fresh water oscar"could be wrong just my apinion" Anyway i figure it like this if you want critters worms ect you ca'nt have hunters "limitted" I had sand sifting star but want live sand bed so i got rid of it,also chocolate chip star. look at *********** they give good discriptions of fish thats what i use their site for lionfish will eat small crustations. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
At first you had no fish in your tank now you do. Creatures aren't as dumb as we sometimes think. They sense predetors in the tank now so they are taking shelter. I sure when the lights go out they're all over the place.