lion fish help?


i have a 7" lion fish, i was wondering if i put in a 3" in lion would it eat it??? i know anything thats big enuff to fit in there mouth they eat, but i was just making sure.... i have a divider in my tank and my baby lion got to the other side some how, but the 7" inch lion did not eat him! sooooooooooo i dont know?????? what do u guys think??????? will it eat it???????? what r the chances???? thx in advance........

beach bum

There is always the possibility of consumption, it happens. What kind of lions are these? I tried to mix the dwarf fuzzies a few times and both tries ended in failure, they can be antagonistic with their own kind.
Anyway, you wan to know how it got to the other side of the divider? It probably jumped. I thought my one fuzzy ate the other, but it turns out that he actually chased him right out of the tank - I found the dried fish about three weeks later behind the tank.
When you mix them again try and watch them for a good while to discern their behavior.


hello Beach Bum
all 3 are P volitans, yeah it prob jumped to get to the other side as u said, so i put a glass to cover the top from now on. sorry to hear the lost that u had b4. i guess we live and learn. thx 4 sharing ur experiance.