Lion fish in reef tank


you should not get blue hippo tang....besides their high susceptiblity to various types of diseases...they simply get too big for 64. no to cleaner wrasse as well....they will end up starving to death in captivity.....unless you have a plenty of big fishes infested with skin parasites and dead skin cells....fuzzy dwarf lion is as equally hard to wean off livefood as fu manchu lion, IMO...i think all dwarf lions are...anthias need small and frequent feedings. as a college student, you might find it difficult to incorporate their feeding schedule into your own....are you planning on setting up a reef tank?aggressive community?fish-only?


im wanting to set up a reef tank with a dwarf lion.
feeding won't be a problem as will be able to feed in the morning and mid afternoon, so uni won't casue a problem.


Remember on the Anthias that they will require food 2-3 times a day. They also eat pods for the most part so be ready to supply them and do not expect three of them to be able to sustain themselves just from the tank because the tank's population of pods will be gone quickly. Sometimes they will switch to frozen brine and mysis, sometimes not. With that many fish and wanting to have a reef tank you are going to need a big skimmer, maybe one rated for a 100 or 125, that will go a long way towards keeping your water quality good.


ive been told that i don't need a protien skimmer by my LFS, but i definetly agree with u, i wondered if he was on something when he said that. i will definelty go for a large skimmer. thanks