Lion fish on a homocidal rage


My P. Volitans has eaten my false perc and my clarkii. I am thinking of getting rid of him, but he has grown soo much in the past two weeks and looks so good in my tank. I have been feeding him fw goldfish and ghost shrimp. I am trying to get him over to prepared food but not having much success. Is there a technique to this that I should know? Also, if I do keep him, is there a way to automatically feed him while I am on vacation for a couple of days? He hasn't come close to my humbug damsel and my brown damsel or engineer gobi.


Active Member
Your first mistake was to house him with such small fish. Those others will be food sooner or later as well. What size tank is he in? To break him off of live, don't feed him for about a week. Then with a feeding stick, impale a piece of food, and wiggle it around a bit. It should enitce a strike. Lions only need to be fed about two or three times a week too. Bo


Yep, thats the trick. Freeze dried krill works great for this, it stinks (yummy stink for the lion) and it is good for them.
Go to the supermarket, and buy a bag of wooden bar-b-que skewers, its about a buck and a half for 50 of them. Tape two together, and presto, instant feeding stick.
Dip the krill in water so its moist, then impale it on the end of the stick. Wiggle it in front of the lion after he hasn't eaten for a week and he'll go for it like crazy. Good luck!


My volitan would only eat live damsels at first then one day I tricked him and threw a 1/2 a silverside in the bag and let him hit on that for a while then dumped it in and bammo he was weened now he'll eat almost anything that comes in a bag (squid, octopuss, krill, silversides, my sons clownfish ) as long as it arrives in his tank in a bag. he'll just watch things hit the ground that don't have their own bag.