Lion Fish - what happened???


I am new to this, so forgive for using the layman's terms. I had a very large Volitan Lion fish which I kept in a 60 hex (yikes!) Like I said I am new to this. About a month ago, I purchased an 80 bowfront for him. In part because I know the 60 hex was not adequate for him, but also because he had become a voracious little eater. (Since purchasing him I switched him from live goldfish to silversides. ) Anyways, he went from 2 med. size silversides every other day to this daily. He would get very demanding and hit the top of the aquarium until I would feed him.
After 3 weeks in his new home he seemed to be having a hard time swallowing his food. He was very active, looked great, but after gulping on a silverside for a few minutes, would spit it out and look for more food. I would try a few times and then both of us would give up. He would swim away and I would try another day. This kept up for a week. I made the pieces smaller, removed the heads thinking it might be easier to swallow. Then last night I finally got him to eat 2 pieces of silversides. Within 2 hours when I went to check on him, he as upside down on the bottom. An hour later he was dead. I tested the water thinking nitrites or amonia, but all were good. What happened? I loved this little guy and am afraid to get another because I don't want this to happen again. In the meantime, his new 80 looks so lonely.


He would get very demanding and hit the top of the aquarium until I would feed him.
I have one in my 90g that does this, it will hit the top, slam into rocks, it is out of control and very hard to handle, it will kill other lions but great with all other fish. I still only feed every 2-3 days, since it is a mature lion.
Lions need a variety of foods, silversides are fatty, your lion went from one fatty food source to another. Your lions should have been fed a variety such as, Shrimp, Scallops, Squid, Octo, and so on.... you can also include foods like Whiting, Tilapia, Ocean Perch and so on...... All foods should be soaked in vitamins.
Feeding a staple diet of just one food can cause fish to stop eating, lions need iodine which raw shrimp with the shell on would offer your lion, It may have developed a goiter and could no longer eat.
If you decide to try another lion, feed a variety of foods, all foods should be soaked in vitamins.
It is not often I hear about a lion with a temper like this, but I know mine can cause quite a bit of damage to itself when it wants to eat. I keep my water pretty clean, or I would be pulling and treating every month in quarantine.....
