I am new to this, so forgive for using the layman's terms. I had a very large Volitan Lion fish which I kept in a 60 hex (yikes!) Like I said I am new to this. About a month ago, I purchased an 80 bowfront for him. In part because I know the 60 hex was not adequate for him, but also because he had become a voracious little eater. (Since purchasing him I switched him from live goldfish to silversides. ) Anyways, he went from 2 med. size silversides every other day to this daily. He would get very demanding and hit the top of the aquarium until I would feed him.
After 3 weeks in his new home he seemed to be having a hard time swallowing his food. He was very active, looked great, but after gulping on a silverside for a few minutes, would spit it out and look for more food. I would try a few times and then both of us would give up. He would swim away and I would try another day. This kept up for a week. I made the pieces smaller, removed the heads thinking it might be easier to swallow. Then last night I finally got him to eat 2 pieces of silversides. Within 2 hours when I went to check on him, he as upside down on the bottom. An hour later he was dead. I tested the water thinking nitrites or amonia, but all were good. What happened? I loved this little guy and am afraid to get another because I don't want this to happen again. In the meantime, his new 80 looks so lonely.
After 3 weeks in his new home he seemed to be having a hard time swallowing his food. He was very active, looked great, but after gulping on a silverside for a few minutes, would spit it out and look for more food. I would try a few times and then both of us would give up. He would swim away and I would try another day. This kept up for a week. I made the pieces smaller, removed the heads thinking it might be easier to swallow. Then last night I finally got him to eat 2 pieces of silversides. Within 2 hours when I went to check on him, he as upside down on the bottom. An hour later he was dead. I tested the water thinking nitrites or amonia, but all were good. What happened? I loved this little guy and am afraid to get another because I don't want this to happen again. In the meantime, his new 80 looks so lonely.