Lion fish won't come out


New Member
Bought a black volitan the other day. When I feed him in the A.M. I see him eating. He continues to stay behind the rocks all day. Will he ever come out so we can see him?

my way

Active Member
Lions are notorius for finding 1 or2 spots in a tank and just hanging out in those spots until it's time to eat. I had one that would just hang out face down along the retun line of my filter. I got so bored with it that I returned it. I think volitans are the worst at this from my experience. How long have you had it? Most fish do hide for a while until they get used to their surroundings.


Active Member
yah... Lions like to pick "haunts" and just kinda stick to 'em. These are usually areas in which they feel safest, as well as places they see as optimum vantage points for hunting.
Keep feeding him, though. Once he learns it's you supplying the yummies, he'll come out and follow you around the tank when he sees u coming :joy:


I had the same problem with my most recent lion. He wouldn't come out unless I was feeding, and even then sometimes he would stay hidden. Then I got some ideas. I moved all my rock away from all glass, so there are less caves on walls. Second, I moved around feeding time. Once they get on a schedule, they will only come out when they know it's feeding time. If you feed them all over the day, they never know when you might drop some food in there. Now, he's out about 75% of the time. When he's not out, he is hanging behind a tube. (I have a 55gal eclipse, so there are two) The rest of the time he will sit around in the front, hang out on the rocks, and swim from one spot to another. I was about ready to trade him for a Russells, they look very similar, but are way more social. Now that this one has changed his ways, I couldn't see getting rid of him. He has grown a lot, and he's my bud. He eats from my hand! (I always keep it out of the water in fear of him accidentally thrashing and poke me though)
Just be patient and if possible, do the two things I did and see if it helps.


Originally Posted by Gamedawg
I had the same problem with my most recent lion. He wouldn't come out unless I was feeding, and even then sometimes he would stay hidden. Then I got some ideas. I moved all my rock away from all glass, so there are less caves on walls. Second, I moved around feeding time. Once they get on a schedule, they will only come out when they know it's feeding time. If you feed them all over the day, they never know when you might drop some food in there. Now, he's out about 75% of the time. When he's not out, he is hanging behind a tube. (I have a 55gal eclipse, so there are two) The rest of the time he will sit around in the front, hang out on the rocks, and swim from one spot to another. I was about ready to trade him for a Russells, they look very similar, but are way more social. Now that this one has changed his ways, I couldn't see getting rid of him. He has grown a lot, and he's my bud. He eats from my hand! (I always keep it out of the water in fear of him accidentally thrashing and poke me though)
Just be patient and if possible, do the two things I did and see if it helps.
you should let him hide its his natural instinct because he's nocturnal I watch mine with the moon lites on thats when all the action happens him and zebra eel chase each other around the tank...

ledzep fan

Active Member
I have a black v. lion and he usually sits in the back of my tank until he sees me come up. When i do he thinks it's feeding time. He fights with my puffer for food. He's one of my favorites in the tank. He eats frozen krill now.
Just give him time, mine did the same thing then he started to come out more and more.
Good Luck

LedZep fan