Lion Fish


Ok I have just started doing a marine aquarium and most people tell me I can put a lion fish with anything that will not fit in it's mouth but i wanted more advice. ok I have a 45 gallon tall with 2 3 striped clowns fairly small a yellow tang and a coral beauty angel, the lion fish is no bigger than a baseball with its long fins, will it be ok with my clown fish? I don't plan on the lion fish staying in that tank but I want it before My other tank is completely set up, is it ok?


Oh and a choc. chip star, if that matters any too.... since it's so slow moving I thought it would matter


Active Member
I am guessing you are considering a volitan then. That would be a very bad idea, in my opinion. Not only will he get 15" eventually, but he will eat your clowns. A much better choice would be a fuzzy dwarf lion.
I also hope you plan on moving the yellow tang. He will soon get very stressed in such a small tank and most likely develop head and lateral line erosion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccg24
ok question to Lion Craze, you said that my 45gal is insufficient for my yellow tang, I was told by the fish expert there at the LFS that I could have 3 in there but it's a risk of over crowding them, I guess I'll have to conveince my g/f that we need to turn the 135gal into salt, or just buy a new 160 haha she'll be happy about that,, yeah right.... but really your the first to mention that to me.... are they fast growers?
Yes, I am sorry to say, but your LFS lied to you in order for you to spend money at their store. Three yellow tangs in a 45 would be riduculous! A yellow tang could start out in a 45/55 gallon tank, but it would very quickly outgrow it because they are fast growers due to their constant eating. A 160 gallon saltwater tank would look beautful, as you could get a volitan lion then, as well as keep your yellow tang very happy.


I wish you would have said to buy, the new 160 that I want, but I'll tell my gf that we have to anyway... haha thanks for the info if I have any questions hopefully you don't mind if I direct them to you? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccg24
I wish you would have said to buy, the new 160 that I want, but I'll tell my gf that we have to anyway... haha thanks for the info if I have any questions hopefully you don't mind if I direct them to you? Thanks
What do you mean? I did say that you should get the new 160!

Anyways, either way, upgrading is definitely something that I would plan for.
If you have any more questions, I am more than glad to help you.