Lion Fish



My son Fernando has an immense interest in marine life. He fell in love with marine life from the fist time we took him to the NY Aquarium when he was a baby. We visit the NY Aquarium several times a year along with the majestic Museum of Natural History. Fernando is fasinated with lionfish, eels and sea urchins. For his 6th Bday (Sept), I have decided to buy him a salt water aquarium. For the past week or so I have visited a couple of pet stores, made inquiries and surf the web on the subject. After buying the aqurium and eventually adding inverts and some life rock I was thinking of adding a Lion Fish as his first fish. What do you guys think of this? From what I have read lionfish are very territirial and aggressive. Several months down the road I would like to add an anemone and a clown fish or two. He also likes the Tang fish a lot, but I have read that they are very active and require a lot of space. I thinking of purchasing a 70 gallon tank, is that enough space for a Tang? Thank you in advance :help:


Active Member
a 70 gallon isnt big enough for a tang, you need at least a 90 or even better a 6' tank, the lion would eat the clowns unless they were big marron clowns, the anemone would need metal halide lights (very expensive), the lion fish would also eat most inverts, im not sure which it wouldnt eat though


A 70 gallon is 4", correct? If so, you could house a kole tang or bristletooth tomini tang. These only get to a maximum size of 6". You could also house a dwarf fuzzy or zebra lionfish. Lions aren't territorial, they're predators, meaning they'll stalk smaller fish and swallow them whole. As long as you keep fish that are big enough to not get swallowed whole, you'll be fine. You may not be able to keep the clowns though.
Good Luck!


I think you should do a dwarf zebra or fuzzy lion as previously mentiones. A 55g-75g would be fine. You could put a couple of maroon clowns or tomato clowns with him as well as a few other fish.


Active Member
I have a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion in my 65 Gallon tank .. and he's not mean to any of my fish at all .. but keep in mind you may have to feed him live fish ... occasionally you get one that will eat freeze dried krill or something of the like .. but if you get clowns .. I would definetly go for Tomato clowns .. they get to be a pretty good size and if they're big and old enough they won't get eaten by the lion ... as for the tang .. as mentioned earlier .. you could get a kole tang and it would fit into your tnak .. but I would also recommend a juvenile Yellow or Scopas tang .. either of those could fit into your tank .. preferrable the yellow just becuase it looks better


Originally Posted by Jam1e
but keep in mind you may have to feed him live fish ... occasionally you get one that will eat freeze dried krill or something of the like
Well really you should NOT feed lions live fish. There aren't any saltwater feeder fish & freshwater ones are fatty & not nutrious & could possibly cause a liver diesease on the lion. It is best to feed them saltwater feeder shrimp, but Freshwater gohst shrimp are fine.


Active Member
sorry Gen1Dustin .. I mispoke .. yes Freshwater feeder shrimp are too fatty and don't have the right nutrients for the lion .. I normally feed him freshwater ghost shrimp that I get from my Petsmart ..


Originally Posted by Lubeck
I agree with the comments given; get a dwarf lion and I would wait to add it LAST
I Completely agree and was thinking that while reading the post! Make sure your other fish are large enough before you buy the lion. Their mouths open much larger than you would think! JMO


Originally Posted by Jam1e
sorry Gen1Dustin .. I mispoke .. yes Freshwater feeder shrimp are too fatty and don't have the right nutrients for the lion .. I normally feed him freshwater ghost shrimp that I get from my Petsmart ..
No need to be sorry, I just wanted to make for sure you knew as well as others.
Yes as others said get th lionfish last. Two reasons they can be finicky about water quality also you want your other fish to be big enough where they can't get eaten by him. Lions have big mouths.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
Let him pick out the fish. My 6 year old picked out a fire fish. He loves his fishy.
He is in love with the Clearfin lionfish (Radiata), it is an increadible species. I have been advised by a couple of you not to make the lionfish the first fish in the aquarium. Fernando is very excited about the aquarium he talks about it everday. I think it is a great learning tool for him and the whole family.

I want to thank you all for your input


The Radiata can be a tough lion to keep, they are quite shy and require good water quality. If you do go this route, you can feed live ghost shrimp but feed the ghost shrimp something nutritional before feeding them to your lion, you can also pick up fiddler crabs to feed the lion.
Try to wean this fish over to a variety of frozen foods soaked in vitamins A.S.A.P.....
Just so you understand these fish are venomous and can sting
..... With the understanding this is for your 6 year old, their hands should never go into a tank, especially a tank that houses a lionfish.........