Lion Fish


New Member
I have a lion fish in a 75 gal. along with a Yellow Tang, a Dogface and a Foxface. All the fish are eating great except for the Lion!!!! He will only eat live feeders. When I put in anything else he rushes it and the loses interest when he/she eyeballs it. Is there anyway that I can get him to eat the silversides that the Dogface seems to love?????


Active Member
What kind of Lionfish is it? If it's a Volitan or any of the other larger species it is going to quickly outgrow your tank.
As for the feeding, try spearing a silverside with a feeding stick and waving it in front of his face to simulate it swimming. Also, what kind of live feeders are you giving him? If it's goldfish or guppies you are going to make him sick.


Active Member
What I did to get mine to eat the frozen foods was to wait about 4 days or so without feeding. Then take a live feeder and stab it with the feeding stick right at the base of the tail (so you dont kill it, but so it stays still) and when the lion gulps that down, do it again with a silverside and stick it in the water right in front of it. The lion should gulp that one as well, and there you have it, a lion eating frozen food (hurray haha!!!). This might take a couple of times for the lion to take the the silverside but it should work fairly quick.


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
What I did to get mine to eat the frozen foods was to wait about 4 days or so without feeding. Then take a live feeder and stab it with the feeding stick right at the base of the tail (so you dont kill it, but so it stays still) and when the lion gulps that down, do it again with a silverside and stick it in the water right in front of it. The lion should gulp that one as well, and there you have it, a lion eating frozen food (hurray haha!!!). This might take a couple of times for the lion to take the the silverside but it should work fairly quick.
This worked great for me too. Good luck.


New Member
Yeah I know that the fish are going to outgrow the tank, but I have to prove to my wife that I can keep these fish alive and beautiful before I upgrade to a bigger tank, hopefully something in the 200 gal range. I was feeding the lion minnows and now I think it has caught up with him. One of his fins is bent and I am getting a little worried. I haven't fed him in a couple of days and I am hoping that bent fin is not from the lack of food or the right nutrients. I will try the feeding stick trick and I hope that this will finally do it. Thanks


Originally Posted by Phillyluver
Yeah I know that the fish are going to outgrow the tank, but I have to prove to my wife that I can keep these fish alive and beautiful before I upgrade to a bigger tank, hopefully something in the 200 gal range. I was feeding the lion minnows and now I think it has caught up with him. One of his fins is bent and I am getting a little worried. I haven't fed him in a couple of days and I am hoping that bent fin is not from the lack of food or the right nutrients. I will try the feeding stick trick and I hope that this will finally do it. Thanks
What do you mean his fin is bent? Do you have a picture? If you do not then tell us which fin is bent and describe it as best you can. What kind of lion do you have? Please don't feed your lion FW fish unless it is ABSOLUTELY neccessary, which it hardly ever is. BTW, Welcome to SWF