lion on food strike?

clown jr

our dwarf zebra lion has been eating krill for months. recently, as in the past week, he hasnt wanted to eat and only had one piece of krill the whole week. what to do??
we have tried other foods, he doesnt even look at em. he was always picky about what krill he ate and where we dropped it but now wont even come up in the usual corner for food. ideas?
thanks all :)

clown jr

any ideas please!! were gettin worried cuz hes layin in a crevice cant get to him and he hasnt eaten for a week and wont even move for food. we really want him to make it. please help!


Active Member
My volitans is doing the same thing for the last week. I'm hoping it's just going through a faze. I noticed it was shedding it's cudicle a few days ago.
I don't think a week is going to hurt them in the long run. My SFE just got over a week long strike and is now back to normal.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I had a volitans, and he would go from time to time without eating. You should also be varying his diet. Try offering some other foods such as silver sides, squid, clams, and muscles. Also try soaking some of the food in garlic, as this sometimes will stimulate them into feeding.


This is pretty weird, I just logged on for the first time in a month or two to see if I could find out why my volitan is doing the same thng. hes not eating and his coloration has lightened up and he's lazy. hmm, guess I'll just ride it out.