Lion or Mantis?


Active Member
I'm undecided. It'll be awhile still until I set up another tank, probably not until next summer, but I like planning ahead. I've been thinking about getting a mantis for awhile, but when I show them to all my friends they're like "ewww centipede!!!" or something of the sort. I like them and all, but I also like when other people like my tanks. lol Anyways, what about a dwarf lionfish? I really like the Dwarf Zebra. So, if I got either, here's what their tanks would be:
Peacock Mantis:

-20 long
-about 20-30 lbs of LR
-3" of sand
-A HOB filter
-PVC cave hidden in the rock
-PC lighting
-A few LPS and soft Corals (it would also kinda serve as my frag tank I think)
-Heater? How would this work? What if he accidently smashed it?
Dwarf Zebra Lionfish:

-30 gallon tank, or even a 20 if I could get away with it in your guy's opinions.
-About 30 lbs of LR (depending on the tank though) so he can perch, but still has open room to swim.
-1-2 inches of substrate
-HOB filter
-PC lighting w/ corals? Are they reef safe?
I'd just like your guys opinions. What would you rather get, and why?

small triggers

Active Member
i like both ideas, its gonna be what you like most,, you dont hae to do a 20g tank for the mantis,,, it would be fine in a 7 or 10L with a few rocks to hid under...
The lionfish, id do a 30 with rock against the back of the tank so he cant hide behind it, lol they arent much for swimming, so it doesnt make much of a difference how much rock you want in there just dont jam pack it...maybe a few chromis..
Keep in mind that the dwarf lions are hard to get off of eating live foods, that being said i think they are more fun than a mantis..


Active Member
Are they reef safe? I read that they were here, but I'd rather get more opinons rather than just taking one site's word for it. Would they not be beacuse they'd perch on the corals? I didn't think they'd eat them because they're carnivores.
Also, what can I feed it? I usually only take a trip to the LFS about once a week because I"m fifteen and don't have a car. Is there anything that I can breed at home for them to eat? Or buy in surplus and keep them in a tank?


Active Member
Also, I thought mantises (mantisi? o_O) get kinda big. Like seven inches or something? I would imagine a 10 gallon to be way too small, but if I could keep one then I'd be setting up both a mantis and a lion tank because I already have a full setup ten gallon I could use. It has a chiclid in there right now, but I could take him back to the LFS. I was planning on that anyways because I wanted to start a frag tank.

small triggers

Active Member
the mantis can get long,,, but they dont swim,,, so truelly they dont take up a lot of space, the 10 will be perfect for it,, and mantis eat anything meaty,, hed be easy to take care of.
As for the lion, they are fine with corals other than yes they do tend to knock them over and perch on them...they just arent invert safe they eat everything... if you have the option to be able to see if the lfs can get one thats eaten frozen food before that would be easiest,, but of course we do not all have such great and accomidating LFS' may have to get some ghost shrimp and gut load them, you can usually keep them in a bucket of water for about a week, Hopefully you could get it changed over to frozen but this may be a bit much for you to attempt? ( it was for me and my fumanchu DIED stubborn darn fish)


Active Member
I don't mean to contradict someone who is giving me advise, normally I'm not someone who does that, but you're the first person I've ever seen that said they could be kept in such a small tank. Gotta look into that one a little more.
what's gutloading?


Smaller mantis such as g smithii or n wennerae will work in a 10 gallon but I'm assume you are going to get a peacock, the smallest tank recommended for them is a 30.
This is Dr. Roys site, the stomatopod genius.
I have a peacock, smithii, and a chiragra. They are far more entertaining than a lion with the exception of the chiragra who is a bit of a recluse, but a smashing machine when he is hungry.


Active Member
What about tank size for one of these? They seem a bit smaller than the Peacocks. Could I put one of these in a 10? If that's the case I"ll get both the mantis and the lion. xD


Active Member
It may be hard to find that particular mantis.
I have both mantis' and dwarf lions. I adore them both and it would be hard to go one way or the other in deciding between the both.
A mantis, like a peacock, will not at all fit in a 10g. It's not only about their potential size, but also their huge bioload. They may not swim, but they like room to move and will actively change around their environment.
The article above by Frank Marini is the best out there. He has years in the hobby and has researched these critters to pieces. He has kept many many many of these critters for years himself. He has a scorpion book coming out soon as well as an article in an upcoming Reeflife Magazine. These will be the readings to look for if you want to be up to date on scorpionfish. He's not just a "forum opinion", but one I consider to be the real expert in this sector.


Orange spots will get too large for a 10. There are a couple spots online that have them right now though. Look into the gonodactylaceus smithii(purple spot mantis). It would be fine in a 10 and are just as active/interactive as a peacock.


Active Member
So after reading further, I'm gonna get the mantis. Lol I was waiting for cranberry to pop in on this one, I know she's like the go-to person for both mantes' and lions at SWF. Anyways, I've decided to nix the lion. I'm shopping around on C-list now for some equipment for a 29 gallon. Added water volume and such, but I know the height is wasted on the mantis because they don't really climb. Does anyone know the demensions for a thirty long? it would have to fit on my dresser..
Also, 'nother quick question. What kind of heater should I get? I would hate myself if it accidently smashed a glass one.


Fluval makes heaters that are encased in plastic. Other than that go with a titanium, is drilling an option?


Active Member
I think I meant to add more to my post to include the lion.... I must have gotten called away at work.
How long is your dresser?