Lion Pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
thanks, its just the back of those floral looking freshwater backgrounds
Looks way kewl IMO...and your tank looks pristine!!! how lang have you had the Lion???
I have had mine 4 to 5 mos... he is bigger now...that pic is 2 mos old...


Here is a picture of Mufasa - not the clearest of all pictures but it was just taken a few minutes ago
he actually looks like he got hurt - one of this fins Spine things looks bent which is why I grabbed the camera and took without resetting it


thanks..urs looks good too..i got him yesterday. he is about 7 or 8 inches long and really fat..he is very active..usually i see lions just sitting around..hes hasnt eaten any silversides in my tank yet, so i hope he starts gonna get some live food today and start tricking him into eating dead.


Active Member
mine is active as well... he looks like he is walking around the tank cuz he always has to have one of his bottom fins touching something...unless he is feeding then he i like a lightning bolt!!! mine swims right into the net and eats whatever is in there...
and NW2...
nice lion...and dig the name!!!


i just fed mine some live ghost shrimp cause he hasnt eaten frozen from me yet, im gonna keep trying frozen till he eats cause i dont want him to get use to live...i just wanted to make sure he would eat something and try and trick him into eating frozen


What I found worked for me was to move the frozen around by hand along the top of the water until he went after it. After he got used to them he would just eat when I threw them in. Just my opinion, good luck to ya.


heres a pic of my new fuzzy dwarf i only got him 3 days ago and hes doing great. this is the best pic i could get of him as hes still a bit shy.