Lion question


Thanks all for the advice. I fed the others first today and then soaked a piece of clam in garlic and waved it around near him. He came over and looked but didn't go for it. I have read in this forum that its not unusual for them to go for awhile without eating and I'm not going back to the guppies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc_wolf
Please note that V-Lioness already answered your question. It's also been my experience that ghost shrimp (feed them something good - like vitamin enriched brine- prior to feeding them to your lion) will work for any lion to start the weaning process. I also agree that sand eels are the easiest next choice of frozen foods to feed him. Please keep in mind that this can be a slow process based on the other tank mates you have.
Another side note - try feeding everyone else first - that way they aren't competing with the lion for food.
Hope this helps - good luck
Yeah, I had six things going at once. Getting old ain't for sissies!


I finally got my lion to eat. First I put a freshwater feeder fish in the tank(Please I know thats not a good idea but let me finish), then while he was stalking the fish I put a silverside that had been soaking in garlic into the tank on a feeder stick. I waved it around near the other fish and he turned and grabbed it real quick. He still then went after the other fish but I feel a little bit better now that maybe I'am slowly weaning him to frozen.