Lion still wont eat


Mine is the same way. I have had him for a little over a week now and he has eaten a group of live brine that I put in and then ate frozen silversides and doesn't appear to have eaten since.
I am starting to think that he is withering away...but then again, he might have stolen a bite when I wasn't looking.


I had mine for a week and it would eat anything. I went the my LFS where I bought him and they had fed him goldfish and sure enough he ate two goldfish. I know your not really supposed to feed them goldfish but if it's life or death he can have a goldfish. Good luck.


Dont give in and feed him goldfish.Throw in a few ghost shrimp he will take those then mix in ghost shrimp with some krill.It will take a few days. The moment he eats the krill go to frozen food and silversides.It will take a few days but once he eats frozen or dry food stay away from all live food it will only create more problems.Mine started the same as yours now he eats ANYTHING that hits the water. I bought a bag of frozen raw shrimp,squid,octopus at the grocery store put them in the blender (when your wife is not around) then use an empty icecube tray and freeze. Before you feed soak block in vitamins and trust me this guy will love it and his color and size is amazing...It will take time but dont " Treat him " with feeder fish.He will eat, it will be tough to see him go days with no food but he will eat when he is ready. Also once you train him feed him every other day.Good Luck!!!


There IS a danger of starvation when forcing lions over to frozen/prepared foods and in general, the smaller the lion the greater the liklihood.....don't forget, these are delicate little babies.
Many people fail to specify the size of the lionfish (and many other species) when offering advice, failing to realize that small juveniles have a VERY HIGH metabolism.
Best of luck.


this is not advise but the way i got mine to eat. i threw in a live rosy red a week after i got mine and eat jumped it quick. 2 days later i gave him another. 2 days after that i put part of one i killed on a string with a piece of shrimp and jiggled it around, taunting him till he hit it. then i did it with just the shrimp. now he eats shrimp and scallops. but he'll only hit them when they are moving so i moved my power heads down low to move the food around.


when i first got my lion he didnt eat anything but live. because he wouldnt touch anything else. so i started feeding live brineshrimp from there he eats anything now. from pellets, nightcrawlers,mealworms, bloodworms,krill, silverslides, and store bought shrimp.
I soak bay scallops (found at the grocers) in garlic oil and my lion loved it. It was what I fed him after we first got him. If your lion is a baby, just cut the scallops in half.
I also make my own blended food variety similar to the one mentioned and my lion loved it, until he discovered silversides. Now that is all he will eat :rolleyes:


hey man don't give up yet. we all lost fish man. i going to ask you a couple of ?.
1. was the lionfish eating at the lfs
2. did you ask to see him eat.
3. he could have been sick.
4. did he look healty. long have you had him.
ive lost a lot of fish myself to me saltwater is like shooting craps you can roll all 7's and 11's and then you crap out but you still play but eventually you will win your money back. so what im saying man is get you another one and maybe this one will to good for you.


You have some nice looking Lion fish there. I was wondering, the Black colored lion fish, where they always that color ? Or, were they white with black stripes and changed colors when they got older... I'am in the market now for the same exact fish. Looking in my LFS here in NY... any suggestions ?