Lion with a niger trigger?


Are we going to have problems? The niger is juvenile and I was thinking about a med-large size lion. gracias!


Should go well! It's not likely that the trigger would chew on the lion.


Active Member
what size tank? Nigers are usually peaceful but it is still a trigger so there will always be a risk, nigers also get large, and will become territorial if the tank is too small


Active Member
My niger was the most peaceful fish in the tank. Then I put in a blueline trigger and out of no where the Niger snapped and attacked the blueline tying to kill it. Just a word of caution


Active Member
Nigers are generally the most peaceful of all the triggers but they can still snap and go on a killing spree. Personally, I would not risk it after personally seeing what a trigger can do to a lionfish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Are we going to have problems? The niger is juvenile and I was thinking about a med-large size lion. gracias!
A very common question; and there is only one correct answer (I seldom am so positive about a reply).............Maybe, maybe not. ( It all depends on the individual fish; triggers can be like pit-bulls: great for years, then suddenly go postal for no apparent reason.) I do think a Niger is a good bet, though.
They will be fine together i have kept nigers and volintians to gether for a coup of years along with eels, groupers, alage eaters, and porc puffers


Agreed. I have no doubt that the odd niger has killed a lion, but I believe the VAST majority are model citizens when kept with lionfish. Ive done it and seen many people with nigers and lions together. I say go for it if you want a niger and a lion.


Active Member
I think a niger being a killer is the exception rather than the rule. I think the blue jaw and pink tail may be safer choices, but you never know I had a pink tail that was very aggressive, and I have a friend who has kept his clown trigger with 2 lions for years, you never know. If you do it just keep a close eye
one year together no problems thay dont even bother with each other in fact when the nt has food thats to big for his mouth the lion sucks it up and eats it
its funny to watch
i think with the rite set up thay do great !!!


I had a niger and a larger lion in my 180G tank at one point without any issues. I eventually turned it into a reef tank and sold the niger.


Active Member
I think the key to this is getting juvenile fish, if the fish grow together and are fed well with plenty of space the risk of aggression is less than it would be to add larger fish together, largaer wild caught fish are typically more aggressive in my experience due to them having to survive in the wild for a longer period of time, they also arent as likely to be willing to share their space