
jordan 150

Ok i felt horrible for this lil guy i went to the store and i saw a a 4inch lion fish in less than 3 gallons of water i couldnt believe it it was going to die it looked like so i asked what was up with that and it was a bad price to so i thought even though it was 80 bucks at 4inchs if i didnt buy it no one would it was going to just die so i bought it and i put it in a 40 gallon tank with 20 lbs of live rock the problem is they are already 2 local resident a 3inch bursa trigger and a dogface puffer there are no problems there all eating even the lion and he looks happy although i no i might be setting myself up for critisism i think i did the right think his wings were almost completely out of the water and who was going to by him for 80 when you can get a bigger one for 40. But my question is can i keep this combo for 1 and a half months with out any real problems so far so good the trigger occupys the left side and the puffer occupys the right and so far the lion has stayed in the middle. In 1 and a half months i will be purchasing yet another 100 gallon. In this tank i have 20lbs live rock black sand that i think by now is live and a marine land 400 that is doing and excellent job. Thanks