have been wandering around the site looking at pics of tanks during and after the cycle period. great looking tanks with all kinds of coraline on the glass. my ? is why is mine not doing that same thing my 29 i did all wrong and you helped me out on that. but my new 55 is in the cycling process right now i did the shrimp thing to start the cycle it has about 20 pounds of really nice lr
no fish at all but its been 2 weeks and no coraline except whats on the lr does it just need time or is something out of wack i want a tank with all kinds of coraline on the glass. time is of no concern because i will not get into this tank really heavy until spring can u help? been told purple up is good???
no fish at all but its been 2 weeks and no coraline except whats on the lr does it just need time or is something out of wack i want a tank with all kinds of coraline on the glass. time is of no concern because i will not get into this tank really heavy until spring can u help? been told purple up is good???