Lionfish & Chromis


Active Member
im not really an expert but i would say that yes it would. but it depends in species of lion and size as well


Active Member
with lionfish, if it can fit in it's mouth, it is food. And their mouths are a lot bigger than they look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
Will the Lionfish eat chromis?
If the lionfish is big enough to swallow it, sure he'll eat it.(The best way I know of to get rid of unwanted Damsels, with apologys in advance to anyone offended) One of the many good things about lions is that they hardly ever bother anything they cannot swallow whole. The flip side is they grow fast and will swallow anything they can, if it looks like food.


Active Member

Originally Posted by srfisher17
(The best way I know of to get rid of unwanted Damsels, with apologys in advance to anyone offended) ....
The best way of getting rid of any "unwanted" fish is to not buy it.... using another fish to get rid of a bad purchase is unethical. Research purchases...
Now, to the original question; They can and you should expect them too. It's not a certainty though. My baby Lion has grown to the point where he could eat my Dottyback but never has tried. The Dottyback isn't afraid of him. The only time he tried to eat a Chromis was one time when a Chromis grabbed a large chunk fo shrimp meant for him. He lunged and swallowed the shrimp and half of the Chromis. I grabbed my net and poked at him and he spit fish out.
My suspicion is that if you get Lions early (which is not a good idea as many starve) and never feed live foods to them you can "tame" some
to be reef safe.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
If the lionfish is big enough to swallow it, sure he'll eat it.(The best way I know of to get rid of unwanted Damsels, with apologys in advance to anyone offended) One of the many good things about lions is that they hardly ever bother anything they cannot swallow whole. The flip side is they grow fast and will swallow anything they can, if it looks like food.
That wasn't my intention...
I have a 75 gallon with 4 chromis in it (for those of you who have read my posts, I took the other fish out and gave them to a friend). I take care of my tank and there is about 150 lbs of LR in there(tank has been up for almost a year). I want to put a Lion in there. I am doing some research and I checked the compatibility chart but I wanted personal experience(hence this post).
Thank you for the info.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The best way of getting rid of any "unwanted" fish is to not buy it.... using another fish to get rid of a bad purchase is unethical. Research purchases...
Now, to the original question; They can and you should expect them too. It's not a certainty though. My baby Lion has grown to the point where he could eat my Dottyback but never has tried. The Dottyback isn't afraid of him. The only time he tried to eat a Chromis was one time when a Chromis grabbed a large chunk fo shrimp meant for him. He lunged and swallowed the shrimp and half of the Chromis. I grabbed my net and poked at him and he spit fish out.
My suspicion is that if you get Lions early (which is not a good idea as many starve) and never feed live foods to them you can "tame" some
to be reef safe.
I'd never buy an e "experimental fish, my light comment was just a joke generated by all of the "how to catch damsels" threads. There is one active now


all fish will have their own personalities, but more often then not, I'd say a lion will eat your chromis. What kind of a lion are you looking at? a dwarf of some kind will have more then enough room in the 75g. A radiata would be pushing it and a volitan would outgrow it in the not so distant future. A dwarf will likely be the most likely to leave the chromis alone too while a volitan/radiata will most certainly try to eat them.