lionfish died this morning


:( :( :( :( :( :( I came home this morning from work and i didn't relize someone turned the power of on my tank. When i woke up I found my lionfish dead and my finger leather wilted over, I have to do a major water change because my ammonia shot up high. I had my dwarf lion for almost a year, I'm going to miss my little buddy.
Sorry for your loss. Do you run the tank off of a power strip ? the switch could have gotten stepped on or bumped.
One of my cats did that once to one of my tanks, I now have all the power strips off the floor and attached to the back of the stands.


that's sad to hear! :(
But I think something else caused its death, not the PH being off for a nite. Lion is very hardy. Just a thought


i dont know Dattong, high ammonia will kill most fish that i know of. no matter how hardy. that's really awful i'm so sorry to hear about that :( i love lionfish i hope to get one myself soon


yep, I agree LionStorm, but it's kindda weird having a sudden amonia spike. I don't know if corals could stand for a nite having no power or not (never happened to me). But for fish I think it should be ok.


I think one of my kids might have did it by mistake, and the finger leather stood back up as soon as the power came back on, I will get another dwarf lion in a couple of days. everything is all well now.


Keep EVERYTHING out of the kids reach.
I was very careful and they still got to the power coards for the lights. Not where they could get hurt but they could mess the lights up.
Remember, your kids are smarter than you.
At least that is what I always think!