lionfish feeding...


I have a ~6" volitan lionfish... been feeding him silversides that have been soaked in Kent Zoe Marine Vitamins and garlic... every other day.. he also occasionally eats flakes / pellets I drop in for the other fish... He's very healthy...
What do others feed their lionfish and how often?...


the key to success w/ lions is variety, try to rotate thru all those different types of foods (mmentioned by JW) w/ every feeding. You can buy most of those seafoods at the grocery store-stop by the fish counter.
Skip the freeze dried krill, its an almost guarented nutritional problem down the road. Equivalent of iodine depleted potato chips.
If your interested in learning more on lionfish and lionfish keeping feel free to read the article below my name


New Member
I ordered my Lion from SWF 2 weeks ago...since he was released from his bag, he has eaten my peppermint shrimp(within 15 minutes), and 2 Clowns(within 2 days),all part of new shipment. I sure took mental notes about puttin a lion with ANYTHING smaller then him.Only thing left with him in a 55gal is a mandarin and a huge Tang.And,,we named him "Sir Chompsalot". We since have bought him live ghost shrimp and feeder guppies...:p