Lionfish for a 30 g


New Member
Hey guys, I'm looking to get a lionfish for my 30 gallon. I will set up whatever filtration I need to to make the fish happy and it will be alone in the tank. I've been thinking about a dwarf zebra lionfish, which I've heard would be perfect. I'm kind of partial to the antennata though. I've read online that minimum tank size is 30 gallons. Anybody have an antennata who can tell me if I could go with them instead?


New Member
Why not the dwarf zebra? I asked about the antennata because I get alot of conflicting messages, but I've never seen anything that said a 30 was risky with the dwarf zebra. Actually so far the best site I found was this one: *** Please don't post links to other sites -Sep it was actually the reason I said no to the antennata in the first place and even it says 30 gallons for the zebra


Active Member
I've kept fuzzy dwarfs in a 24g for years. Feed them well, give them perches and caves and keep their water clean and they will live very well in a 24.


New Member
Good news then

What about filtration? I've got a BioWheel 200 (I think its rated for just over 40 gallons) set up now but I was thinking of replacing it with a Whisper 60 (60gallons). I don't have a protein skimmer for it, but I'll get one if I have to, I was thinking about this one: Current USA Fission Nano Skimmer because it's only 6 inches tall and I could hide it fairly easily. Also, I have 2x39W T5 HOs in there, which I've been told is actually alot more light than it sounds like; enough to keep acros and clams in the 12" tall tank. I know this light will bother the lion, so I will be building him a little shelter, is this enough or will the light still be harmful?


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One thing though...You can not post other sites in this forum...Just letting you know one of the rules


I raised a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion in a 30gal for about a year. This was with excellent filtration - a HOB filter, plus a AquaC protein skimmer. But even a fuzzy dwarf outgrew this size tank and I ended up moving it to my 65gal.


New Member
Officially, the tank is set up, it actually just finished cycling yesterday. I've decided to hold off, however until I figured out EXACTLY what I was going to do with it. What I'm hearing here is essentially what I'm hearing online. Some people say that 30 gallons is plenty for a dwarf, in fact most reputable sites I've seen have 30 gallons as the recommended size for them (by reputable I mean sites that aren't describing AND selling the fish) but some people say that even the smallest lion shouldn't be in anything smaller than a 55, which is what alot of sites recommend for the volitans. Is it possible that these discrepancies are because of mis-identification? Considering that a dwarf zebra gets to be 6-8" long (and most sites say the average is closer to 6"), it seems unlikely that a fish that is only a sixth of the length of its tank would outgrow the tank. As far as wastes go, I will do what I can to take care of that, but size-wise, it seems unlikely that it would outgrow the 30, especially the dwarf fuzzy mentioned earlier that outgrew its 30, considering they're even smaller.
I have seen fuzzys kept in 30s for years without a problem, I would add a cpr HOB fuge to your mix, some cheato will do you wonders in this application, IMO. If you upgrade you filter I would stay in the Marineland family, IMO they are way better than whispers


New Member
I was also wondering about feeding. I figured that a dwarf would probably take to high-protein mysis (the real big ones) but I know they need a variety. If I had the fish, what different things should I be feeding it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Fu Manchu lionfish
Definitely my personal favorite.

Honestly these guys (zebra) do a lot better in mature tanks, I'm not saying it can't be done though. Just make sure you've done your research. Good luck with your fish once you get it
Welcome to the boards!


New Member
So from what I can tell, I would be able to feed my lionfish high protein mysis and grocery store shrimp. I don't know where I could get silversides. Would these two foods be enough?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pooty--Tang
So from what I can tell, I would be able to feed my lionfish high protein mysis and grocery store shrimp. I don't know where I could get silversides. Would these two foods be enough?
some of the first fish I had in my75g were a pair of zebra lionfish and I only got one to eat frozen but it was usually on accident and some of the times he would spit it out. I had to feed them ghost shrimp, ask the fish store to feed them a piece of silverside or something frozen before you think about buying it. your fish store should
sell silversides along with an assortment of frozen foods.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Definitely my personal favorite.

Honestly these guys (zebra) do a lot better in mature tanks, I'm not saying it can't be done though.
I disagree, not sure why they would do better in a mature tank although im sure any fish would do better but I don't see the difference. Fu man chu's are harder to get to eat and hide all day so even though they are a gorgeous fish you wouldn't get too much excitment from it.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
A 30g predator tank IMO does not need many ascetics. You focal point should be the fish not what you have in the tank it can use for hiding places