Lionfish Help


I've had a Lionfish for about 6 months. He was doing great until suddenly he stopped eating. I've now noticed a lump on his left side just above his stomach. I've moved him to my hospital tank.
Is there any "kill all" antibiotic or something I could try to bring him back around?
I have some "clout," but it says not for use on Lionfish. Any suggestions?
All he does is sit on the bottom of the tank. He used to look intrested in food (I've tried tempting him with silversides and ghost shrimp), but now he doesn't even react.
It's probably been 2 weeks since the last time he ate and about 1 week since he was last intrested in looking at food.
Also in the past few days, I've noticed that at the base of his tail (where the fin meets the body) he seems to have lost all color...its pink and I can see his veins.


Active Member
.what i use is called is a ultra wide spectral antibiotic capsule.very simple to use.
this product is used for
* abdominal bloat
*red body patches
*white body slime
*protruding scales
*bacterial infections
*fungal infections
and a few other varients of illnesses
I have saved a few fish with this as a result of unknown illnesses and tumors..good luck
this product is made by aquatronics
made for marine and salt water fish


Active Member
I would try to find the product unleashed referred you to, but also post this in the disease forum. Beth is like a female Ace Ventura when it comes to fish (just without the weird irregularities).