Lionfish in Trouble


I recently added a antennata(or radiata i'm not sure) lionfish to our tank, we already had a fumanchu lionfish which is well established and healthy.
Today I came home and my fumanchu had a large bulging eye, which is cloudy. The other eye and the rest of his skin is fine.
Could this have been a sting from the other lion? They don't seem to be getting along either, one stays on one side of the tank and the other on the other. They are both eating live feeders, and the fumanchu is also eating frozen brine.
Most my baby going to die?!?!?


I would put the fu in a quarantine tank. If you love this guy and he is not getting along with the other lion then get rid of the other lion. Fu's are small and easily harassed by large fish. Your large lion would be able to eat this guy in a matter of months. You may want to get rid of the larger lion. If you don't want to, then set up a 29 for the fu and some other smaller tank mates. Don't let him get harassed to death by other fish. The bulge on his eye will go away if he isn't harassed anymore.