Lionfish is eating


New Member
I had almost given up on my Lionfish eating anything but goldfish. I've had him about a month now and the other day he started eating frozen food. Now he eats any frozen food I put in there.


Active Member
Had you been working on weening him or was is just sudden? My lionfish has really given me a hard time about eating. I was told that if I did'nt get him on those frozen pops that he would start loosing his color??? Is that true???


Well part of the problems with lionfish is that they are predators. So when it's feeding time, they look for the eye of their prey, you need to trick them to thinking they're eating live food. So it's best (when you first get them) to try mysis shrimp, krill, blood worms, or anything else that the whole body has been frozen. Don't try choped up smelt, formula 1, clams, or anything chopped up. But when you get him to eat frozen, he'll generally be able to eat almost anything frozen.


New Member
I started out feedin him silversides but he wouldn't eat them. Then after trying that for a week I fed him a goldfish. Then I kept trying silversides and mysis shrimp but he still wouldn't eat then I fed him another goldfish. Then I didn't put anything in the tank for about a week and fed him a goldfish. Then about a week after that I put in some mysis shrimp and he ate it. Now he eats everything frozen brine shrimp, formula 1, silversides.


Active Member
try freeze dried krill as well, many lions love it once they get weened off of live food. just curious, what other fish do you have in your tank? bo