Lionfish or Large Angel in Reef tank?


Yeah i would love to put a lrg angel in my 150 gal. reef tank-mostly all soft corals and a lot of them...could i keep any lrg angel in here?Which ones?
And also i saw one of my friends tanks that he had up for 3 years with tonsssssstonssss of corals and fish as small as chromis with a violtian lion-can i do that? Is there any lion i could use in a reef? Thatnks and if you got ne pics of the angels or lions in a reef i would love to see them and they would be incourageing-spelled wrong i know...



Lions are safe with corals but lions will eat shrimps and small fish, there is no guarantee a lion will not eat your fish. Considering they can eat 1/2 their body size, you would have to make the call on how risky you want to be. I can guarantee you my 3 Volitans would eat smaller fish.
However if you would like to try this, I would recommend a fuzzy dwarf for your reef.


If raised from a small size (ie. 1-2") to adulthood with the smaller fish and given lots of rockwork and never fed live foods the lion should do fine. The odd one will get eaten once in a while, so dont put anything expensive with it, but a school of larger chromis should work.


the coral will get ripped and torn for soft corals and hard corals will get their polyps taken out and die so i wouldnt do the large angel but some people have had success


Active Member
I have added a queen juvi angel and a fuzzy dwarf to my 125 reef. All is well so far. If the angel acts up or gets to large, out she goes.


I have a majestic in my 120. It definately limits what I can keep. My coral selection is up to him. Seems to LOVE mushrooms and occasionally nips at the xenia(who cares, it grows like weeds) But it hates leathers. So I think I'll just keep a few large leathers till I go all SPS down the road. I've read they don't like SPS corals either, let's hope this fish can read

I have a copperband I just had to get hooked on phonics so I can show him the part in the book where it says he's supposed to eat aptasia, he just aint gettin' it.......stupid fish
Anyway, an angel in a reef can be done, read alot, and be ready to remove anything you don't want munched.


See, my Majestic hasn't even looked at my mushrooms. On the other hand my Blue Face totally wiped out my huge aptasia infestation. From my experience, if I had a reef tank I wouldn't put any angels in it. Then again, I'm known to break a few rules ;)


Thank you so much hot883 and Tad-every one around me is saying no no no! i have decided to get a juvi Blue Koran--so everyone cross your fingers!!! (I do have a TON of Xeienas though...)
Thanks again!


I would not put a large angel in a reef tank unless I knew full well that my options were safe. As others have pointed out, their options for a reef tank are severely limited with any type of large angel. As far as lionfish go, they tend to be reef safe as long as there aren't any excessively small crustys in your tank. Another lionfish option that hasn't been mentioned yet is the Fu Manchu lion. Doesn't get more than 4 or 5 inches in length so it can't eat many types of damsels.