lionfish question


hello everyone. My local pet store went out of biz. and I took a GIANT black violatin lion off their hands. He has aclimented very well, and it has been a few days now. I just noticed though, that he appears to be "shedding" a thin layer of skin from his "feathers" or "needles" Is this normal? If not, what should i do? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!


LionFish says......
Yeah, it is normal. It is just stressed from the move from the LFS to your home. Itt is normal for them to shed their slime coat every time they get seriously stressed. Also, I am curious to know how big your tank is. They require at least a 120 gallon tank, but I recommend getting a 150 gallon to be on the safe side.


I have him in a 120 gallon tank. Like I said, I was friends with the owner and got everyhting real cheap. I had it running for a little longer than a month before I put him in there. The water conditions are perfect. How much longer do you think it should be before he begins to eat? He hasnt eaten since I put him in. (today makes it 3 days) Thanks!


LionFish says......
Well, as long as your friend had the lion eating dead food when you got him, you should be able to get him to take some food as soon as he wants it. I would keep me posted on this until you finally get him eating. I wouldn't be concerned for a week if he doesn't eat, but after a week it could be trouble. Just keep trying to feed the lion. It always helps to feed the lion what the previous owner fed it.


Don't want to start any problems here, but under your profile you state you only have a 55gal. Do you also have the 120 that you put the lion in. Because like stated before lionfish get pretty huge, and being as big as you say he is, putting him in a small tank might be contributing to his stress. Also do you have any other fish in there with him?
[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: goofieones ]


goofieones- Yes, I got the 120 gallon especially for the lion. I just never bothered to change it on my profile thing. The only other thing in there with him is the damsel I used to cylce it and some live rock. Im kinda hoping the damsel will dissapear soon! Thanks for all the feedback!