Lionfish Sick


This morning my Volitan lion was darting to the top of the tank and slowly floating back down. His eyes are kind of cloudy and one side of his body is faded like he was scratched or something but it's not to the flesh. He also has a hole in one of his webs. I am very concerned because my fu manchu died three days ago with no signs.
The fu manchu would only eat gupies and krill every other week. The volitan eats chopped silversides, krill, and shrimp every 3-4 days.
Salt 1.026
Alk 10
Cal 460
Nit 0
Amo 0
Temp 78-80, depends on time of day.
This happened over a period of 12-18 hours. Any idea what could cause this.
The only other tank mate is a SFE that is 2 years old and not aggresive at all. I got both lions at the same time 6 months ago.
Can a bacterial infection set in that quickly?


It could be bacterial, if the Lion is Darting around the tank, watch for shedding, you will see a whitish film floating or on the rock. Darting along with cloudy eyes, bacterial or parasite. To treat for bacterial, I use K-Mycin (Kanamyacin), follow directions on package.
If the Lion is still eating you can treat orally, I can give you the dose if this is the treatment you would like to try.


Yes he started shedding last night, and died this morning. I just cant beleive how quickly it happened. There are no other fish in the tank other than a SFE. I have several soft corals. I can't do a water change until tomorrow, is the shedding going to polute the water in any way? I just have never had a problem with either of my tanks every having ich or bacterial infections so I wasn't aware of the quick signs to treat him. Very sad. In 7 years I have not lost many fish so it concerns me.


Sorry to hear about your lion, No, the shed will not pollute the tank, strange that your lion died that fast, keep a close eye on your eel, make sure this does not spread.
Did you add anything to the tank like, rock, snails, hermits, corals, anything wet that may have brought in some type of disease?