lionfish stopped eating and. . .

wen tom

Thats interesting. You know I've been having a hard time stabilizing my temp. and I did let it go up. All thermometers say something different. So. . . anywhere from 76 - 78. The corals seem to like it warmer but now that you say it. . . Would none of the other fish show signs? No, not tight fitting. Should I open it up a bit?

wen tom

The temp will drop if I do ya know. (which I used to do and quit recently because I was sooo micromanaging and thought, "no one else could do this", the digitals read up but I've been leaving it alone. So often I'm at work and would stress about it. Sometimes even coming home to open or close them during lunch. Salinity is spot on. Bought a refractor.


Well-Known Member
Lol ha ha what's the number? Lowering it can have an effect on appetite
usually increasing it, but you have coral so thats a no no.

wen tom

Which? Temp. or salinity? So assumming you mean temp. Got 76 on a non digital. One dig says 78.6 and the other 76.6.:confused:

wen tom

None. Thanks for asking. Talked extensively to a gal from Sun. and she suspects poor nutrition combined with changes in tank, (winter in WY. cut back on water changes and no more gravel sand) took their toll on him. Been waiting for special vit. C to arrive. Suppose to be here today, hopefully tomorrow. Didn't want to use people vit C with all other fish and reef. Just scared me. So. . . he sits and looks very poorly. Got Zoecom and Zoe all ready for him. . . if he eats.


Well-Known Member
Well atleast lions can go awhile with out eating. Its just weird to me, mine gets spooked easily if Iam in the tank but next day is out at feeding time