lionfish tricks


can any one give me some ideas on how to feed my lionfish. right now i just drop the feeders in but is there a better way so i know hes getting them and not my puffer


You are feeding him feshwater feeders? Thats a no no. Buy some krill or silver sides along with a feeding stick. Put the food on the feeding stick and wiggle it in front of the lions face(like the dead food is alive). Try that and see if it works


Put a chunk of frozen or fresh seafood on a feeding stick or a piece or hard, clear air tubing (small) and just wiggle it in front of em. My lions take it wen they are being lazy.


I fed mine ghost shrimp in the beginning, then weaned over to frozen krill and silversides. I fed her about 5 ghost shrimp right before I had to leave town for 4 days. When I got back, I tried thawing a few krill. She went for it!!! Don't believe the LFS that lions cannot be converted to frozen food. A ton of people on this site have done it very successfully. Also, try withholding food for 2 to 3 days. If the lion is hungry, it WILL eat. My LFS told me that a lion will starve itself to death if you don't provide live food only:hilarious Yeah, right!!


i found out that ghost shrimp are the best for feeding live can i give him a shimp as like a treat every once and a while. But as for now he is eating krill


Krill is good, and the ghost shrimp is great too. Still, i urge you to go down to the market sometime and get maybe one jumbo shrimp and feed it in pieces. Maybe a small bit of scallop, some fresh suidd. Anything that looks nice. My fish love the stuff.