Lionfish with white spots


My lionfish does not want to eat lately (about 3 weeks now) and hide behind the LR.
I notice there are white spots like dust on one side of his body (lion-b.jpg) and the a little bit on the other side near the head area (lion-a.jpg). Anyone know what is that white spots?
Before I always feed him with small frozen krill once every 2 days. I tried ghost shrimp and even the gum drop gobby, but he is not attracted at all. Any idea why he does not want to eat?



Originally Posted by sepulatian
He has ich. Are there other fish in with him? Do you have a QT?
Yes, there are other fishes but no one else has white spot. Only him. I've seen & deal with ich before (the whole DT gone, 1 by 1), but this one is more like a dusty (flat) spot than a sandy spot. I will try to catch him and put it on the QT today.


Originally Posted by premilove
despite his ich attack, that is a beautiful lion!
Thanks, he is a beauty .. one day I saw a (different) lionfish in LFS and next thing I know I switch from FW to SW and spend $$$ so I can have one of my own at home.


Just an update after I moved the lionfish from DT to QT.
It seems the ich is not there, see picture below.
But I notice there is redness around the tail area, 2nd picture.
So far he has not eaten anything. I give them ghost shrimp, but not interested.
Any clue?



OK .. so far no visible white spots, but still not eating .. drop a live ghost shrimp, he would hover over it .. stare at it .. then pass, not interested .. why is he behaving like this?

It has been about 4 weeks with no food so far.


Active Member
So the fish is in your QT. Are you doing anything to treat the parasite? It wil not go away on it's own. The redness is suspicious and indicates a bacterial infection. These are common secondary infections with ich. The loss of appetite is also a concern. Sometimes, lions will fast for a few days but 4 weeks is extreme. What are the water parameters in your QT? If these are off, the fish may not eat. If the fish has an internal bacterial infection, it may stop eating. Is the fish losing weight?