

New Member
OK I want to try this hobby by buying a minature lionfish, sticking him in a 20 gallon with a filter and not do anything else except for maybe a plastic plant or two. If I can keep him alive for a few months I'll trade him in to the pet store for something else, and maybe a live rock or two. What do I need to do this besides the filter and some salt?


I would just buy a gold fish and hope for the best.
Lion fish need alot more care than you seem to be willing to put out.
Good Luck


Hey, I think you might be kidding around. If you are, joke's on me. If not, there's a lot of stuff you're missing here that you should learn about before even thinking about buying a fish. First, lionfish (even "miniature" ones, although you're probably just seeing a baby one) grow to be too large for a 20 gallon tank. Second, if you decided it was only temporary, your LFS might not take it back, and transporting him could stress him to the point he'd die anyway. Third, baby lionfish are very delicate; we can't breed them in captivity yet, so they're wild caught, and not accustomed to life in aquaria. That being said, your tank wouldn't be cycled (a way of developing the water quality to its best biological state) if you just threw "some salt and a filter" on it- almost no lionfish alive would survive something like that. Like I said, I won't write a novel for you because I think you're screwing around. But if you're new and just confused, that's cool but please read a bit and feel free to email if you have questions.


Active Member
Should be fine in that million gallon tank you have in you obvious farce..if its not then maybe buy a puppy and put it in also.


New Member
I don't know what everyone is getting all upset about. The guy at the pet store said that if I had an interest in learning something about salt water aquariums that I could do a single fish tank and I wouldn't need all the expensive equipment that goes with reefs, and lots of other animals. I said that I though lionfish were really cool and he told me that they had minature lionfish that could live in a 20 gallon tank. He said that I just needed to drain 25% of the water once a week, mix it with the right amount of salt and have a filter. I don't know anything about this hobby other than it interests me and I would like to learn about it, so please save the sarcasm. I am a responsible pet owner which is why I'm researching this before I do anything. I currently own 2 cats, 2 leopard geckos and a few little fresh water fish and they are all very well taken care of.
Relax I don't have a fish tank so no need to get upset about my profile.


It's OK. Just relax.
The guy at the pet store is an a** and is obviously out for $$$. The folks here find it hard to swollow that a person would do that to you. I'm glad you came here before you went any farther. These are good people and once everyone sees you're serious you'll get lots of help. Hang in there!:cheer:
TO EVERYONE ELSE............I've been there, it's not funny!:help:


Active Member
First: do research on lion fish and marine aquariums.
Second: did the LFS tell you lions are posinous?


New Member

Originally posted by dburr
First: do research on lion fish and marine aquariums.

Could you point me in the right direction please? :D


Active Member
Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a good book. This site also has an aggressive fish forum.
Good luck.:D

barry cuda

Let me also put in a recommendation for The New Marine Aquarium by Michael Paletta. It's not as exhaustive as the Fenner book (which is very, very good in its own right) but it's a little more approachable for beginners (of which I am one myself, so don't take my advice as gospel).
That said, I fully agree you're doing the right thing by asking questions somewhere other than the local store. It's a constant disappointment to me to see how many LFS employees/owners are either incompetent, unethical, or both. Even if you trust the person you're getting advice from, it's a good idea to get a few opinions here. Just remember that not everything you hear here is gospel truth,'re going to get different opinions from everyone, so they all need to be considered together.
I'm not going to offer a lot of specific advice because I just don't have the knowledge to put behind it...but definitely read some books. They'll fill in a lot of the theoretical & practical knowledge you'll need to be successful. They're also great when you have an "uh-oh, what do I do now?" moment and need to refresh your memory on something. Asking questions here is a great way to get specific information, but the big picture is easier to get from books.

And WELCOME! This is a great place and a great bunch of people, even if a bit gruff sometimes.


I have a few years experience in saltwater aquria, though I don't know everything there is to know yet.
When you say Miniature, I think you mean the Dwarf Lionfish, that doesn't get very big. However, a simple damsel or tank raised/captive bred clown fish would probably better for you. They're hardier and will possibly last a bit longer.
Owning a saltwater aquarium is an investment, due to the time you put in to set up the aquarium, plus maintenance. So bone up on info before you do anything. I guess you need to put some thought into wanting to set up an aquarium because it seems that you're not wholeheartedly interested in it just yet.


Just remember the guy at your LFS will tell you practically anything to make money. It is sad but true. Also I am very glad that you didn't just jump right into the hobby without asking here first, a lot of people take their LFS's word and just buy whatever they are told they will need.
Unfortunately they buy lots of things they don't need and their fish often die.
These guys are right, get a good book about saltwater aquariums and also what I would recommend (something I did) would be to get a notebook, right down essential things you will need for your aquarium and approximate costs. This list should consist of a salinity meter, thermometer, heater, test kits, and a lot more things from the fish to the live rock/substrate to lights and so forth.
I completely see eye to eye with you on the lionfish, I wanted one so bad. But I couldn't get one and ended up with a porc puffer instead (no problem there, i love the puffer)
Lionfish are the reason I got into salt water in the first place. If you are really interested in the hobby I would recommend reading up on it and just figuring out what you will need. If you truely love lionfish I would recommend getting a big aquarium, (100 gallons+) not only will this give you the opportunity to keep a lionfish long term but you could add other fish as well.
I would do research and don't buy anything yet, just make sure you add up the costs in your mind before you do anything, salt water is awesome but it can be expensive too and if its just a passing fancy you definately don't want to blow a lot of money on something you won't be interested in long term