

Lionfish are my favorite fish and i really wanna keep one and i was wondeing wut the chances are that it will attack soem of the more peaceful fish like clowns etc.?


if you keep a lionfish you have agressive fish like triggers or puffers. Small fish will be snacks.


I want to keep a clown too but the only clown i c an think of that will possibly defend itself would be the maroon....maybe


well it either the lion or actualyl having a full non aggressive semi-reef aquarium so ill have to go with no lion :nope:


I think a lionfish would be okay as long as you give it plenty of swimming space, live rock, and feeder guppies. I think it's a pretty calm fish and not aggressive towards it tankmates. I have s dwarf lionfish, two percula clowns, one blue damsel, one yellow tail damsel, a coral beauty, a cleaner shrimp, and plenty of snails and hermit crabs, The lionfish does not bother any of his smaller buddies which he could easily eat. He hangs out by himself. I would add him towards the end. I think the aggressiveness of lionfish is over played.
My lionfish has gone two-three days without eating and he doesn't bother any of his tankmates. But once he sees the guppies he goes for them. Just one thing you should be careful when getting a lionfish: make sure he is healthy and free of disease.
Good luck on your future fish-eater!:happyfish


Active Member
1. Lions will eat anything that goes in their mouths.
2. Don't feed guppies to them! Do some reading up on dietary habits.. Getting a marine feeder like silversides as they are much better.
3. Wean fish off of live feeding.


Active Member
i was at a sushi bar last night and they had about 100'' aggressive tank. they had 2 lookdowns - too cool - as well as a squirrel fish and a lion and a tomato clown. i was very surprised to see the tomato clown there, but he was a big boy, at least 3 '', and the lionfish's body without frills was about the same size.


right about now im wondering whether to get a fish tank or a reef tank. I heard a mix of both doesnt work very well, anyone lookin at this had a successful reef/fish aquarium with more than just a few small fish?