

Is there such a thing as a reef safe lionfish and one that doesn't get to big (4"-6") ? I heard that Dwarf Zebra Lionfish is a pretty peacefull Lionfish. :help: Please. All information will be greatly apreciated.


Active Member
some dwarfs stay relativly small but they will eat any shrimp in a reef tank maybe evan some cleanup crew depending onw hat you have in there.. but people do keep them in reef tanks

30-xtra high

Active Member
dwarf zebra's (usually don't live very long), fuzzy dwarf, and fu man chu. all MOSTLY reef safe, will eat shrimp.


i have 2 fuzzy dwarfs in my reef tank without problems. zebra dwarfs get around the 7 inch range give or take an inch


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
How big a tank do the Fu Man Chu need and wuold they eat a fire or cleaner shrimp
if theyre the only thing in there (fish wise) then a 35-40, w/ fish a 70+, and yes they will


I have a red voiltian in my tank, Means he's fine with corals and fish as big so that they won't fit in his mouth. But no shrimp and i wouldn't put an arrow or emrald crab in. But he's my buddy. I only have a big clarki in with him. He's the mean one
towards me. If my lion acted like him i would problay have to give him away.