

New Member
I've had a small lionfish in my tank for about 4 months. He was lively and eating very well for about 2 months, but now he's very lethargic and I haven't actually seen him eat in about 2 months. Some of the lower spines on his pectoral fins are broken off as well. Is there anything I can do to get him healthy again or should I just be prepared to flush?


Active Member
we need a little more info on tank size, parameters of water, what your feeding, what type of lion.i would be more then happy to help but i need more info.


New Member
He's a volitan. My tank is a 40 gal. I'm feeding him dried shrimp currently. I was thinking that he may have gotten stuck in the filter but I wouldn't think it would happen numerous times.


Active Member
Dried shrimp? Is that all?
What are your water parameters?
What are your other inhabitants?
You will need to immediately diversify the diet...try live ghost shrimp to start.