

Originally Posted by armywife1314
what type of fish is it ok to keep with a lionfish? are clowns ok or gramma's. and are they really hard to keep?
They are easy to keep but if it will fit in his mouth he will eat it. And they grow to have good size mouths.


Active Member
any fish that wont fit into his mouth. any corals r fine since they dont eat corals. no shrimps when it comes to inverts.


Just be patient and make sure your tank is ready for on, and you have all the equipment. I set my tank up in jan or feb of this year and I have a lion fish in my 46 BFT, but he soon will be in my 75 after the cycle is done. They are very cool fish. Mine likes to do back flips when I get ready to feed him
Just my .02


Well in the I bought everything except for my protein skimmer right away. Tank, stand, LS, LR, salt, heater, HOB filter, thermometer, hydrometer, and good water test kit, and a few power heads. I was told have the tank has cycled is when you add the protein skimmer. I dont know if that is right or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
good i have all of that except the skimmer.
what is a good type of lionfish to get, thats not too hard or mean.
If your looking to have some shrimps (large) and pretty fish, I would go with a fuzzy dwarf lion. Also, leave it to be one of the last fish to add. Let the other fish get dominance first.


Active Member
Heya, glad to see I can post on a thread and actually help ya out instead of disagreeing with you.
The type of Lion depends on what else you want in the tank. A Volitan Lion will get huge for instance. A Dwarf will allow you more fish options, but are a bit more difficult to get to feed on frozen foods.
Antennatas and Radiatas are in the middle, but also get rather large.
all Lions are "reef" safe, but not invert safe. (Although I've never had a Lion actually eat a shrimp). Be aware, however, that large Lions are messy and will make water quality more difficult to keep pristine if you are going to keep corals as well.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Heya, glad to see I can post on a thread and actually help ya out instead of disagreeing with you.
The type of Lion depends on what else you want in the tank. A Volitan Lion will get huge for instance. A Dwarf will allow you more fish options, but are a bit more difficult to get to feed on frozen foods.
Antennatas and Radiatas are in the middle, but also get rather large.
all Lions are "reef" safe, but not invert safe. (Although I've never had a Lion actually eat a shrimp). Be aware, however, that large Lions are messy and will make water quality more difficult to keep pristine if you are going to keep corals as well.
ya good to see you too. and no hard feelings, thanks for the help. so does a lion mean no corals or that it would be nearly impossible to keep or that i would just have to work on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
ya good to see you too. and no hard feelings, thanks for the help. so does a lion mean no corals or that it would be nearly impossible to keep or that i would just have to work on it.
Certainly possible. Depends on the size of the Lion, your filtration, types of corals you want (some are hardier and more forgiving of water qualities than others), and the rest of the bio-load in your tank.
A good skimmer will help.
More frequent water changes will also go a long way in helping.