calbert...go easy on newbies. your post was rather attacking. I am not too far removed from being a newbie myself and know that when I first started that I didn't know that researching my tank list was so important, didn't realize that my tank was considered "small" by saltwater standards, and also didn't realize that there would be people that would jump on me for a thought that I had.
We should be welcoming this individual to the boards (welcome imclownfish) and thanking them for asking questions PRIOR to purchasing the critters in question.
What I would tell imclownfish is to invest in a good book (Marine Fishes (by Michael) and Marine Invertabrates (by Shimek). Do your research, find the 1 fish that will do well in your set-up and build the rest of your stocklist around that fish. Ask lots of questions and accept the advice from the experts...don't get into pissing matches when someone doesn't agree with you (no matter how rude some of them can sound, they are trying to help). BE PATIENT as well!!!
Enjoy the hobby...if you are like most of us on these boards, you will soon be hooked on fish (if you aren't already).