


Hi everyone..I'm a new member but I've been checking out this site and message board for a while now. I do have a problem. Just bought a dwarf lion about a week ago I've been unable to get him to feed. I've tried goldfish silversides and freeze dried kril. Even used a feeding stick to no avail. The tank is 29 Gal FO with 2 blue damsels (still can't get them out), 2 hermits, and a small yellow tang. I've had these types of fish before and have never had a lion go this long without feeding...Any suggestions
First of all, do a search on this BB. This is a frequent question/problem and has been addressed many times. If you don't get your answer there, try posting question in the aggressive forum. I know for sure that you need to stay AWAY from goldfish. They are a disater waiting to happen for your fish. It is doubtful that he will consume freeze dried krill. Also don't worry too much about your other fish (damsels) as the lion will consume them shortly.
Does your new lion have plenty of live rock to hide behind to help give him a sense of security?
Your yellow tang needs to be returned to your LFS for credit as your tank is WAY too small for this fish. I know everybody likes them, but you need a fairly large tank for this fish as he will get quite large and need lots of swimming room.
Welcome to the BB! We're sure glad you dropped by and we hope you'll hang around with us! This is a great place to learn about everything saltwater...and some things that have nothing whatsoever to do with it! :D


Active Member
First Let me welcome you to the board this is a great learning place I have learned so much on the board from the members.This is a great learning place and you can buy good equipment from the trading and classifieds. ;-)
Let me point out some of the specilties"hate that word"
*Ryebeard is a all around smartie who is great in close ups,cameras and everything else Here is his photos hope he dosent mind
*Bang Guy is one of the smartest fish people I have every known look at his fish of the week under fish discussion.
*Fsh hub is like my penpal for all my problems I have learned much from my teacher :) He is a good person to talk about with any problems or if you need any general help.All the other mods are great too im just know some of these guys from my past threads but you can trust every single mod on the board
Sorry this is so long its just i've been keeping all of this joy from all the mods helping me build my wonderful tank.
I had the same problem with my dwarf sadly he died i tried small rosy's a couple of guppies and a small saltwater fish and he wouldnt go for any of them he died after about 3-4 days after i got him i talked to some people and they said the dwarfs are harder to get to eat then the volitans or the other lions.lions usually dont eat frozen but you can get them to by using a piece of string and after a couple times of feeding him live fish put a live fish on a string and let him have it then place a frozen fish in it such as a silverside then after a while he'll get use to it. I agree with PhoenixRising a tang as a baby needs at least a forty or fifty gallon because they're four feet long as they grow up at about 6-8 months old they need at least a 75 gallon because they get up to 8-9" and have to have a 75 because of the easier turning as they move throughtout your tank.You need to return him before the tang police come and get you. ;)
Hopes this helps somewhat lol


Thanks Cindi and Logan....I know the tang is not good for this tank...and I'm planning on setting up another a month or so..125 gal. Already made the deal with a co-worker. Woohoo! Anyway...the lion still is not eating...just tried another silverside a few minutes ago..he just kinda shrugged and swam off to hide in the rocks...I guess I'll just keep trying...until he floats or gives in. BTW I love this site...lots of good knowledge...I've been lurking here for sometime...thanks again!!
Again, let me suggest that you post this in the "aggressive" forum. Lots of people there have lions and will be able to help you!
I would also suggest frozen krill. My lion is not a dwarf, but was ridiculously difficult to get to eat. He went almost two weeks without eating. He is alive and well and eats like a pig. When mine finally decided to eat he had 6 krill at one feeding.
I also second or third or whatever number I am in line about checking out the aggressive forum. You will get more responses.


Just did a post on the aggressive boards....thanks again everyone....still at this point he's not feeding....but I'm still not giving him or me..and I'll get his to eat....#$20)**&_+@@ LOL...


New Member
are these fish overly aggressive? i am very interested in them and was going to get a small on when i get my tank set up? what kind of tank mates can you put them in with and won't harm them? how about them tangs, i heard that they are pretty common for salt water fish? how hard is it to keep both of these fish?


Hey Herp..
Lions usually are very aggresive fish...realtively easy to care for..just can't keep any other fish that are smaller than their They are live feeders and will eat most any other fish that they can swallow. My experiance is with volitan lions...which are much bigger than the dwarf I have now...and much easier to get to


when i get my 125, think a lion will go welll with these guys ?
-Powder Brown Tang
-Huma Huma Trgger
-Niger Trigger
-Scribbled Foxface


When my friend bought her lionfish, it didn't eat for two weeks. After that it eats pretty much everything that it can fit into its mouth, including my clownfish who was on a vacation in that 125 gallon (my own stupidity, I know).
They normally eat live food, though after awhile they will eat prepared food. I will not feed it live food though. Be patient, it'll eat soon.