Lionfish's tankmate falls victom?


I think my clownfish has been stung by my lion. It looks like the lion bit the clown at the base of one of his pec fins. There is a little piece of skin hanging off the clown and the area surrounding it looks inflamed. Has anyone had this happen to them? My water is pretty good with nitrates at 0. Niether the lion or clown are showing signs of diseases. Any ideas? :confused:


stung and being bit are two very different things....which is it?
the red inflammation is most likely bacterial infection in the wound site.


Ohh okay, I though that when they bit something it pretty much stings too... What should I do about that bacteria infection? My QT is ready to go. :D


Go to your Local Fish Store, ASAP, death could be iminate if it was a sting. Transfer your clownfish to the QT regardless if its a bite or a sting. Treat with the medication recommended by the fish store and get him eating good. Make sure the tempriture is high around 78 in the QT, his body tempriture is the last thing he wants to worry about. Tell me LFS the conditions and what happend to your little clown. I wish you the best, good luck


Active Member
About a year ago my Sabea got bit..happened right in front of me. Took him out and into the QT he went. I forget the medication...but I did raise the temperature up to 80 actually, and I guess it was good luck(carelessness actually), but my salinity was pretty low and I guess that kept the usual infections and parasites out.


my poor clown never had a chance. I figured if I got one big enough he'd be ok with the lion. I put him in and bam...gone, 12 bucks for a feeder.


I went to my LFS and they didn't seem like they knew what they were talking about at all. I put the clown in the QT, and its starting to look better now. He's been eating very good this whole time so I guess he'll be fine. :D