lions and horses

would a juvinile dwarf lionfish be O.K. in a 12 gal. tank with a pair of sea horses?
when the lion got to be about 5 in. i would move him to a 45gal. with a bicolor angle and a snowflake moray


Now I don't know too much about sea horses, but I do know that most of them don't like to fast of a water current, but your lion fish would probably prefer it, along with a bigger tank. Also Your dwarf lion fish is still a carnivore and they are notorious for eating slow moving creatures including snails and ornamental shrimp. Its very possible that it would eat or harass your horses to the point of death. I cant say, one way of the other, but that's what my research is saying. I could be


actually, dmanatee, lions do not prefer a lot of current, but still, this wouldn't end too well


Thats good to know Antwon. Never wanted to own either species myself. Both are unique and beutifull and I ceartanly can repect anyone who does own either (being in seperate tanks) of these amazing fish. Myself I think I will stay on the bunny slopes and stick with my clownfish and Hectors Goby.


Originally Posted by clown-keeper99 http:///forum/thread/381527/lions-and-horses#post_3323959
would a juvinile dwarf lionfish be O.K. in a 12 gal. tank with a pair of sea horses? NO! A lionfish does not belong in a 12G tank, nor do seahorses, and neither species belongs together.
when the lion got to be about 5 in. i would move him to a 45gal. with a bicolor angle and a snowflake moray Angelfish, even dwarfs do not make good tank makes for lionfish, as they have a tendency to nip at the finds of lionfish. IMO, you need to do some more research before you purchase one.


+1, also, lions stalk anything you put in the tank smaller than it eventually, and even sometimes(like my volitans) they stalk things bigger than them idk y its kinda weird but from what i know seahorses will get stressed easily, and even a small lion would evetually kill it directly or indirectly