lions and puffers


Active Member
hey everyone i want to see pics of the antennata lion or any other lions and the saddle valentini pufferor any other puffers these are the fish i plan on getting for my 30g maybe not tottally sure yet gottaa think bout it.


i dont have any pics but i mentioned getting a valentini and lion and was told it was not a good choice so i just wanted to pass the info along so u didnt make a bad choice


U dont know wat yer talking about, so dont talk. Theyre fine in 30 gallon tanks. Dont give any more advice, EVER! I would u give u pics of my fuzzy dwarf, but yer not looking for


Active Member
A 30 gallon is fine for one 1-4''... Then they really need a larger tank so they have room to roam and swim. Most sites say they need 30 gallons. The same sies say that a yellow tang needs a 55 gallon. Remeber that is the MINUUM tank size. Most of the time you want to go larger then the MINUIM TANK size.


Active Member
thanx for the help so im guessin from this that for a 30g i could keep a antennneta dwarf lion and a lawn mower blenny as my only fish for the tank


I swear dude, if u dont remove that title over yer avatar, I will come to Lima Ohio, find u in yer skool address books and slap u. U are now ay even CLOSe to that title and u have totally proved yerself wrong cuz there is no way that a dwarf lion will outrogw a 30 gallon tank, cuz they dont need room to ROAM. They freaking sit around all day and stare at thigs. Give em a good supply of live rock, some nice perches, and a good way of remvoing waste, and u can put that fish in a 30 gallon. No replace that title that u have self proclaimed yerself with one that suits u a lil better: "Please help me"



Originally posted by ams153
thanx for the help so im guessin from this that for a 30g i could keep a antennneta dwarf lion and a lawn mower blenny as my only fish for the tank

Yea, u can actually. As long as the blenny wont fit in yer lions mouth...


lmao dusty!

chandler stop flaming him damn you! ur just as frickin bad. i hope u get put in a trash can by a senior


Active Member
i dont know i just re read it and now im kinda gettin confused sorry i dont really know what to think anymore a bit confused here cause ive read on a few different sites to that a 30g is ok but of course i guess you prob. should go a bit higher the the bottom i dont know oh well thanx everyone though im still a bit confused


A 30 gallon is fine. Lionfish12 has no idea wat he is talking about, he just had a hig post count suz he says stupid stuff and is constantly on. It is fine, no need to worry or be confused, just have a good protein skimmer and yer set.


Well, maybe. Maybe. Cuz, a puffer still has that evil beak that can tear a lions fins to pieces, and u wouldnt want that. BUT, as the saying goes, if it wont fit in its mouth, then it is fine.