lions and puffers


First Off, LionTamer YOU ARE WRONG, Second Of All I Would Never Put A Valentini With Any Fish That Small! They Are Well Known Killers And Just As Well Know As Being Nippers Of Not Jut Fins.:yes:


Active Member
k thanx for the help yeah i kinda decided against the valentini cause u cant really keep one in a reef so thanx


If u want a lion in a reef, then there arent too many stocking options for ya. No shrimps, no smaller fish. Ud pretty much be done with the lion and MAYBE a larger clownfish, but that would be it really.


Active Member
im ok with that for now untill i get a bigger tank i plan on a lion and possible a lawn mower to take control of the hair alge then a fer snails some conchs and lotsa corals and anemones but thas it thanx fer all the help


dont count on a lawn mower blenny to take care of a hair algae problem....i know u dont have an outbreak or anything, im just giving u future referrence
mine doesnt eat off rocks, he just bites the glass all day, and yet the sand is covered in diatoms..silly fish.....


Active Member
yeah that isnt the only reason im getting one ive heard there real animated fish and very fun to have and watch and id introduce that first then the lion after the lawn mower has grown a bit so the lion wont be able to eat it


Yea, they are great fish. I actually have one in my aggressive tank, and he hangs in there amazingly. He got snagged once by the volitan, but i saved him from the lions jaws. He learns to keep his distance after that. They will eat the glass, occasionally rocks, but not that often. I hear emerald crabs are good with algae though.


mark how do you like the emeralds, i was thinking of gettign some to get the alage around my SAILFIN blenny's cave, my LAWNMOWER cant get over they without gettign a nipping, so his cave looks like a big hairy you knwo what! lol


Hey CG puffers how big does a valentini puffer grow because a seven inch zebra dwarf lionfish really isnt that small


I've Seen Valentinis About Seven Inches While Diving In Australia. But In The Aquarium I Think They Get About 3-6 inches. They Can And Will Tear A Lion To Pieces.... I Saw Them Housed With 14 Inch Volitans Before And They Could Hold Their Ground. They Are MEAN Little Buggers.



Originally posted by lionfish12
a 30 gallon is kinda small for a dwarf lion. They really need a 55 gallon.

wasn't it lionfish12 with a lion fish in his 40 gal? i may be wrong, but i think he did, before he KILLED IT, just like all his fish, now thats the kinda person i wanta take advise from..... YA RIGHT!!!!!!!!!


oh, LMFAO i stand corected...... so i reinterate.. lionfish12 is giving advise, that he himself doesn't even practice? hmmmm, interesting....


Active Member
my lawnmower blenny can hold his ground in the tank..I added him first, and he's more aggressive than my puffer


Active Member
hey thanx for all the info and the valentinis get on average 4 in for whoever wanted that and they seem so cool it sux that they have to be so aggresive oh well and i think ill just get a lawn mower and give it about a month to grow then get a lion thanx everyone


Active Member
I don't mean to add to the tension in this post or be argumentative, but not all valentini's are aggressive. My blue spot toby (basically the same thing as a valentini, other than colors) was in the tank much before my volitan and has never even come close to being aggressive with him. You just need to observe the specimen that you are buying. Does it eat aggressively? Does it chase and nip at the other fish it is housed with at the lfs? If so, this may be a good indicator of how he will be in your tank and towards your lion. All fish are different.
Perfect example: there were two posts above that said that their lawn mower's don't eat off the rocks. Well, since being put in the tank 4 weeks ago, my lawn mower has worked nicely on the growth of hair algae I was starting to get. Will he always do this? Maybe not, but he does now. All fish are different and you have to make a judgment based on your observances, past-knowledge and experience.


Active Member
thats very true youve just really gotta know what yer getting into i guess ive heard of people housing lions and puffers and then ive heard of problems mixing the 2 but i have a q do the average valentinni nip at corals and anemones or just inverts??????


Active Member
Yes, that is almost a defniite. Most tobies love shrimp, crabs, snails, hermits, and corals. I am pretty sure it will not touch an anemone though. Even with my fish's non aggressive nature, he still eats any shrimp I put in there, along with hermits and most crabs. I found that Mexican Turbos are alright though. Tobies will pick at corals though too.