Lions & Eels


New Member
Hi, I'm looking into getting a lion fish and possibly a snowflake eel or some other species of eel that would do well in my tank.
I just have some questions about the whole situation because i wanna know what i am gonna be getting myself into..
I have a 55g tank that has been running for little over a month and hasn't cycled yet. I have about 20lbs of live rock and 20lb of reg. rock.. 5 damsels, 2 peppermint shirmp, and a maroon clown. All of which can be moved to my 30g once i get the lion or eel.
My question is... do you think my tank is too young to get a eel or lion for that matter..
Are there any special tests that i need to get or water parameters that I need to watch??
Do they like any special lighting cause right now i have 260watt PC w/ moonlights..
I know glass tops are a necessity, which i will have to work on cause the tops i got right now leave about a 4 inch opening for my wet/dry filter...
Come to think of it I am also interested in getting a blue spotted sting ray??? Is that a possibility or am i getting ahead of myself...
Will all these guys be able to live peacefully with each other??? (lion, eel, stingray)
What are some things I can do in my tank to make these guys feel safer and home..
eg. I know the stingray is gonna want some spots to bury himself...(is that a necessity or no?) i also know the eel is gonna want crevices to hide and what not...
My questions on this subject are all over the place but I think i got it all out.... Any opinions/thoughts would be majorly appreciated!!


Active Member
in noo expert but i have a lion, about to order my shark and ray as well. so after all the research i have done ill try to help you out.
as far as the eels goes i think a snowflake is the only eel you can keep in a 55 gallon tank. All the moray species get way too large. Yes they need LOTS of rockwork to hide in, the more the better !!
And also as with the lion, someoen else can help you out, but i beleive the only lion you can keep in a 55 is the dwarf species or fuzzy lion as they call them. Volitans gets HUGE
I have a 55g tank that has been running for little over a month and hasn't cycled yet. I have about 20lbs of live rock and 20lb of reg. rock.. 5 damsels, 2 peppermint shirmp, and a maroon clown.
thats alot of animals for a tank that hasnt cycled, especially that maroon clown, id idnt think you were suposed to try to cycle with them but thats nor here or there. The lionfish could possibly eat all of those animals ( my lion ate all the damsels)
do you think my tank is too young to get a eel or lion for that matter..
you cant put anythign else in there until it is fully cycled and i waited about 3 weeks after my tank was done cycling to add my lion
Are there any special tests that i need to get or water parameters that I need to watch??
you have to make sure your ammonia and nitrates are at 0, also if you want to keep any of these species you need a large protein skimmer and a great filtration system as they produce ALOT of waste and they are very messy eaters.
I know glass tops are a necessity, which i will have to work on cause the tops i got right now leave about a 4 inch opening for my wet/dry filter...
if you get an eel you cant have ANY openings as they will jump out any chance they get!
Come to think of it I am also interested in getting a blue spotted sting ray??? Is that a possibility or am i getting ahead of myself...
your tank isnt big enough for any of the stingray species, also the blue-dot stingray does horrible in captivity and doesnt live very long at all!
I know the stingray is gonna want some spots to bury himself...(is that a necessity or no?) i also know the eel is gonna want crevices to hide and what not...
stingrays need a large footprint on a tank to swim and burrow in the substrate, you also would need very fine sand as your substrate if you ever get a bigger tank and want a sting ray
if you want to keep these three animals i would suggest waiting to get a larger tank..about a 180 or bigger , i hope i answered some of your questions, but you can also wait till more people hop on the thread and give more information


Active Member
pretty well said. I did not see any problems with anything you said. As far as special tests though, you should have a pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, kH test kit as well as something to measure the specific gravity.


New Member
Hey thanks... great info... that helps me out alot... i will wait until my tank cycles before i try a dwarf or a snowflake. I have been testing my tank every other day.. doin the basics and today my NH3 .50 soo it might turn over some time soon!
The reason why i have my maroon is a long story but i think he will be ok and it might be a while until I graduate tanks but 180g does sound nice... :thinking:
Thanks again


Active Member
you did the right thing by posting and asking questions before you did something you would have regreted. just take your time with the tank, i know how much it sucks not being able to just put your fish in right away but beleive me the wait pays off in the long run


New Member
HEy psusocr1 or anyone, I have another fish i have been wondering about and that is the angler fish ..... whats there deal & are any species suitable for my tank or any tank??? I have read a little on them and i think the female is the one that carries the antenna but not all species it looks like have that antenna deal from the pictures i looked at on here.. Anyway, I think it would be awesome to have one but if there not tank happy i'd rather respect the animal.. Also does anyone order there fish or inverts from this site or do u hit up the LFS??


Active Member
Anglers should be kept in species only tanks.
Both male and female have an illicium and esca (rod and lure).


Active Member
40gal. would be fine for just about any species of Angler, besides the Commerson, which maxes out around 12" - 14".
They're very intolerant of copper and nitrates.