

i rly want one...but kinnda scared that if i get stung...what would i guess want to kno is it okay to own one or am i just asking for trouble


Active Member
They aren't aggressive fish, so to get stuck by one usually involves an uncareful hobbyist.
If you got stuck by one, you would run your hand under the hottest running tap water you could stand. No has died from a lionfish sting that I have read of. I know of a few people that have been stung.


well any advice on how hard they r to take care of or any pointers...i own a shark...could it go in my 300... with the shark...or would i have to use my 100

crypt keeper

Active Member
only thing people worry about is a shark getting stung. Lions arent aggressive. They are just eat other fish. More a predator. people have rays and sharks with lions. Most bamboo sharks hang out on the sand while the lion will be mid to high level. You should be okay

crypt keeper

Active Member
i said should. there is a risk. Id risk it. Just try and feed the one or the other first and on different sides of the tank if possible


Active Member
We need siggies back so mine could read
Disclaimer: Follow my advice at your own risk.


I've had mine for almost 3 years now and before I got it, I was worried I would get stung too. But mine is so totally peaceful that now I put my hand in the tank all the time, without any fears at all. Really, the only way I'd ever get stung would be if I was totally careless. I say go for it. They make great fish and have a lot of personality.


Now you got me thinking about one...haha
could some of you lion experts produce a chart or summary of the differnt lion fish comparing their different characteristiscs?? Which one do you all pick as your fav?


Originally Posted by latinlord
150 gallon, with a coral cat shark, blue chin, dogface puffer and yellow tang
with my experience with my have to say a 150 with all that is at its max...but hey i could be out of curiousity how does the puffer do with the shark i've heard puffers n triggers tend to pick on them

crypt keeper

Active Member
latin lords tank is way too small for a shark. the puffers do pick on sharks. They tend to just lay on the bottom and do nothing.


All Lions are not harrassing fishes. They will not pick at other fishes, unless its a prey small enough to make dinner.
They usually use their spines only as a self-defense, and offense to catch prey.


the puffer doesn't mess with the shark.. the shark hides in his cave ALL DAY.. .then at night when the other fish go to sleep or their little corner, he comes out and swims around more... One time... the bluechin go too close to the sharks food and when the shark went for his food he cripped up the bluechin.. it was crazy!! litterally was holding then bluechins face in its mouth... he noticed he was too big to swollow so he left the bluechin go.. now the bluechin doesn't get so close to the sharks food fi the shark is near...


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
latin lords tank is way too small for a shark. the puffers do pick on sharks. They tend to just lay on the bottom and do nothing.
k good thought i was right but i wasnt sure thats hecka small wouldnt house my baby in anything less then 240