Originally Posted by
NM reef
Actually....kalk does little to nothing to "raise" calcium levels but it is very effective at "maintaining" established calcium levels.
First step would be to test your current levels of calcium/alkalinity/ph to see where they are and if they are stable.
Second step would be to establish a suppliment schedule to elevate your levels if there is a need to do so.Most typical marine systems can do fine just with water changes if there is no demand on the system.
Third step...in conjunction with step two...is to understand the need/requirement for establishing levels of calcium/alkalinity...and how to dose the selected suppliments in order to achieve desired levels.
Fourth...after establishing desired levels kalk could be used in top off water to assist in maintaining those established levels.
Thats a short version....let me ask you....what size tank do you have? What are your current levels of calcium/alkalinity/PH/magnesium?
What corals do you keep? Do you have problems maintaining your levels? What additives do you use and why?
no disrespect...im just trying to clarify.....you say calcium levels do not raise with Kalkwasser....i disagree. when i started dripping kalk, my level of calcium was 400 . i went by the instruction of another member of this site to start at 1 tspn per gallon for a starting point...i tested my water ever day at the same time. and came up with the same relsults for the first 6 days. i have a 3 gallon resivior.....my levels remained the same. the next week, i added 4 tspns, levels rose to 420 ph 8.3, alk 4 meg/l. i wanted it alittle higher <calcium> so the next batch i put 5 tsps in 3 gal. ....my level rose to 450 cal. 4.4 alk, and ph held at 8.3. and has been that way for months. I add no other additives but strontium . no calcium additives at all. now if kalkwasser doesnt "raise" calcium....then what is? I tested the 3 gallons of water with the kalk in it alone...and the calcium is up around 1,000 ppm if i did my math correctly...If you are correct in what you say, and Kalk doesnt raise your calcium level, then i should be able to just dump that 3 gallons of Kalk mix in my fuge and not drip it slowly and everything should be the same? I find that to be very untrue. I thought Maybe i am just misuderstanding what you are saying...but I went back and read it again...and it is very clear. and I fully disagree. I understand that your water perms, must be good before the start of dripping Kalk, but It WILL raise your calcium levels. It will raise them to the point of if you put too much in the mix and drip it fast, or just dump it in your tank that it will demolish your tank. I also add a little vinegar to my kalk mix...but just a tad...to keep it at the exact level that i want. I also found out when i started the whole vinegar thing that it will crash a tank in a hurry too with some added bad crap ya don't want. as i said...I mean no disrespect.. I know your a mod and all...but i totally disagree in what you say.