liquid reactor?


has anybody ever used this stuff from kent marine. it says it wil raise my calcium level whick is what i need as my level is at 360. just want to know about others experiance before i put this in my tank.
thanks am3gross


Active Member
It raises both Ca and alk. You need to test both first, then add accordingly. I use to use it, then switched salts so I don't need to raise the levels as much now.


yeah i use io and im not for sure how high the calcium level is in io. i thought about changing to the oceanic sea salt as i have heard alot of good things.what salt do you use io high in calcium or do you know? sorry for all the questions however the help is greatly apprciated.


Active Member
I use reef crystals. It's the same as IO but formulated more for reef tanks with higher Ca, Mg, and alk. I've heard oceanic often has bad batches with extremelly high Ca, >600 ppm. I wouldn't trust oceanic with my tank. IO is ok, but if you have a reef and want higher Ca, Mg, and alk you should switch to reef crystals. Or if you have money to spare tropic marin pro reef would be a better choice. The levels are similar to --, but -- uses chelated Ca, which is harder for corals to use. Tropic marin uses non-chelated Ca.