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Active Member
I'm not really sure, but I have a Clarkii Clown who has grown about 1/4 of an inch it seems, since I got him two months ago.
I just bought a Foxface Tang that is about 3 inches long, but I'm getting a 72 Gallon next month...
I don't think that any Tang should be kept for an extended amount of time in anything less than a 50, though I have a 30.


Active Member
That's good to hear. I personally wouldn't put a yellow tang in anything less than 70. Good luck with tangs!

clown boy

Active Member
Thank you very much!
What is the cheapest filtration system I can get for a 55 gallon tank that works well?


Active Member
Like a Hang on the Back filter?
I'm running a Marineland Bio-Wheel that is rated for a 50 Gallon on mine.
Having two powerheads and a skimmer never hurts! ^_^


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
What kind of tank do you have? Fish-Only? Reef? Can you give me an exact filter model?

Fish only with live rock. I have a... *Goes and digs in storage closet to find the box*
Penguin 200 Bio-Wheel Power Filter, manufactured by Marineland.
Filters 200 Gallons per hour, up to 50 Gallons. Since I have a 30 Gallon, it's about right for me.
I'd help you about the sump but I don't find much need for a sump with a 30 Gal.


Active Member
You're very welcome. If you get a Penguin Bio-Wheel, let me know if you have any trouble and I can help you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sea Slug
for the love of god dont get a bio weel
they suck

So, ughh... What Bio-Wheel filter did you use and on what size tank?

clown boy

Active Member
RATS!!! The bad news is that the 55 gallon tank that I was considering was snatched out from under my nose!
The good news is that found a 75 gallon tank!

A quick question: It comes with 270 watts of PCs. Is that enough for an anemone?


Active Member
Hmmm... ...I'd tell you if I knew. I need to learn this, too; I plan on starting a 110 Reef tank soon. I just got hired on at Pet Depot yesterday, so I'm sure that the discount well help me, haha.

clown boy

Active Member
Two more questions:
1. Is it true that if my tank is well taken care of, that my Ocelleris clowns will spawn whether I like it or not?
2. Is it true that I should not put Ocelleris clowns in a tank with a frogspawn?
Thank you for helping me tremendously! ***)


Active Member
1.) I think that a happy pair will spawn when they feel like it... I doubt you can tell them no.

2.) I wish I knew something about anemones...
3.) Your ***) thing makes me want popcorn. Good job, meanie!!