list of fish and the order to assimilate them. what would you do?


Happy Friday fish fans! This sunday I am going to be hitting up my lfs and it is likely that I will be bringing home a new friend. I wanted to ask you guys what the best order of entry would be for my stock list based on aggressiveness and just what will in your opinions be the friendliest way to put these guys in there. I would guess the most agressive last but I would rather be on the safe side.
I already have:
2 green chromis
1 scooter blenny
1 lawnmower blenny
I want to get:
1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
2 clowns
1 flame angel
1 mandarin
2 fire fish gobies


90 gal drilled to a 29 gal sump running ro water. I have a reef octopus 150. 130 lbs of lr, 80 lbs of ls. The tank is 3 weeks old cycle has been complete for a week. I dont want to add these dudes all at once just dont want to get the meanest one first and end up with a bully.


Active Member
Originally Posted by willie http:///t/389276/list-of-fish-and-the-order-to-assimilate-them-what-would-you-do#post_3439452
Happy Friday fish fans! This sunday I am going to be hitting up my lfs and it is likely that I will be bringing home a new friend. I wanted to ask you guys what the best order of entry would be for my stock list based on aggressiveness and just what will in your opinions be the friendliest way to put these guys in there. I would guess the most agressive last but I would rather be on the safe side.
I already have:
2 green chromis
1 scooter blenny
1 lawnmower blenny
I want to get:
1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
2 clowns
1 flame angel
1 mandarin
2 fire fish gobies
Honestly, that fish list will need to be changed. I see some potential complications. I would only add one tang, and it would be the yellow tang. A hippo tang can get rather large and I would recommend that they go in a larger tank, such as a 180. I'm not sure that I would have a scooter blenny and a mandarin together. They eat the same foods and you will need to be constantly reseeding the tank with pods, even if you wean them to frozen. Pods are a natural part of their diet and they can get tons in a very short amount of time. Also, I would not add the mandarin until the tank has a booming pod population (usually around a year old).
Here is how I would add the fish:


I actually expected to hear that about the hippo tang so Im not to bummed If I get one which is unlikely it would only be for a little while while he is a juv. then I would give him to a buddy that has a 300 fowlr. I have the sump loaded up with some calurpa that has pods in it and the mandarin would def be for far down the road.
sally light foot crabs? anybody have feelings one way or another?


I agree with Gemmy...
I just think sally light foots look like spiders ICK.. my personal opinion though, lol so i wouldnt have one.. is there a specific reason you want one?


I like critters, im pretty sure that they are reef safe and non agressive and I have a little hair algae that they may be hungry for.


Here's the issue with crabs: they're opportunistic eaters. Some eat what you want them to, but there's always the risk of them going rogue. I've been pinched by Sally's a few times, they get bold.


Thanks for the imput, Im not a fan of being pinched... but I do hate this hair algae. I started a refugium with the hopes that it would boost my pods and suck the nitrates.
Seth, I have spent a lot of time reading your build threads (very informative) and I am digging your ats. Here are my ?s
1. Does it stink? It looks like it has the propensity to be odoriforous.
2. did you ever switch from the art supply screen to the homedepot antierosion turfscreen?
3. The only place I could stick this thing would be in the final chamber of my sump near where the mag return pump is. Will this create an unwanted bubble/microbubble issue with the cascading water?
4.if so would I be better off to do your leaning diagonal design and have it drip into my refug?
5. do you think I would benefit from the ats considering my aformentioned filtration measures that are already in place?
Btw your 90 gal show tank was inspirational. Well done sir.


So I have a monster coral banded shrimp and I am pretty sure he is attacking my fish. My green chromis pretty much just hide and now one has a big gash on its side. One of them "died" and I saw the cbs walking around with its carcass for the whole day. I dont think he is going to be in the tank for much longer. Its a shame to cause I like the guy but I want clowns and a tang and I dont want them getting picked on.
Have you guys had good experiences with emerald crabs? I really love the crustations, really hate the green hair algae and dont want a tank full of bullies. Sally light foot crabs are supposedly cool while small but as they mature get mean. So they probably wont make the list but still considering the emeralds. Thanks very much for your feedback, you guys are very helpful!


Hey man ditch the CBS, those things are such bullies a$$h*les. One CBS was killed by the other and then I was going to remove the other but nature took it's course before I could. I have emeralds, sally lights, variety of hermits, and snails I love them all. The emeralds are my favorite tho (small ones, not the bigger ones), they just hang out and pick at algae all day, haven't seen them bother a single thing.
Also you can have more than one tang in a tank. Just judge accordingly buy them grow, then upgrade tank or donate to someone with larger tank!
Also a Lawnmower blenny tears through hair algae, I can't believe you have one and still have a problem. Mine went to town and cleared out all hair algae when I had some!


Active Member
i have a cbs the size of my fist .i have had him for years.he dont bother a thing that i can tell.i also had a yellow tail damsel that was a good citizen.maybe just luck